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Staff Members

Kristy - ME! The creator and ruler of this game. I thought up the story, drew the maps and a good majority of the pictures (as well as a big group shot coming soon!) wasted countless moments of my life making this web site ^_^, and get the final say so in Nidaya as well as in all matters of the game. If you have any questions at all, I'm probably the one you should ask.

Cathe - second in command; helps out with apps and with the site, fixing problems, and most importantly, the plot! She controls what goes on in Vesairn.

All staff members (as well as any players) can be reached through me. I've got all the e-mail addresses and if you wish to reach anyone at all, send a e-mail I'll get it to where it's supposed to go.

{ Home } { History of the Treasure } { Baheine Society } { Cast of Characters } { Staff } { FAQ }
{ Character Application } { Rules of Play } { Message Board } { Story } { News } { Maps } { Gallery } { E-mail }