Commander A.J. Kostov - XO on USS Pathfinder - RRT Commander
- Terran Female, Age 33
- Born : Qo'Nos, moved during her teens
- Copper Red Hair, Green eyes and pale but heavily freckled skin
- 4'10 and 95 lbs
- StarFleet History - Classified Alpha Level Security- Known History includes:
- 2363 - Enters StarFleet Academy
- 2366 - Graduates a year early at top of class - completes an Aeronautic Sciences and Engineering Degree. During her last year, submitted a shuttle propulsion re-design that is still implemented today
- 2366 - Due to class placement graduates a Lieutenant (jg) and is posted as Helm officer aboard the USS Excalibur
- 2367 - Assigned to Enterprise-D as a Science Officer. During this time she contributed greatly to Engine Designs for a prototype ship. Given a Merritorious Citation Award for Excellence for her contributions.
- 2368 - Promoted to Lieutenant , attends Bridge Officer's Certification Training
- 2368 - Lead an away team that was taken hostage by a Romulan Cruiser Crew. Lead team to overtake Romulans and bring them to justice. Awarded the Silver Star for valorous actions in line of duty.
- 2368 - Attends Branch Officer's Training and is made Chief Science Officer after untimely death of predecessor.
- 2369-2373 : Deemed Classified Omega Security Level
- 2374 - Assigned to USS Constitution as Chief Engineer after former Chief was promoted to another vessel
- 2374 - Leads an Away mission to combat the Jem'Hadar in which she saves political officials and prevents the production of Ketracel White in immediate viscinity. Is awarded Purple Heart for saving multiple lives at risk to her own.
- 2377 - Promoted to Lt Commander and made the First Officer of the Constitution
- 2379 - Promoted to full Commander and posted as First Officer aboard the Pathfinder
- Notable events: Only child of the Federation/Earth Ambassadors to Klingon Empire. Grew up on Qo'noS,in Klingon culture. Left Qo'noS as a young teenager to be educated at the Vulcan Sciences Institute. First trip to Earth when she entered StarFleet.
Other Officers
Admiral McGuiness
Captain Garrison
Commander Schultz
Lt Commander Ral
Lt Commander Torlok
Counselor Morgan
Commander Bradfurd
Doctor Caves
Lieutenant Jaxom
Lieutenant Rivera
Chief Leoni
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