Lieutenant (jg) Dokken Antillies - Callsign : Maniac - RRT Fighter Pilot
- Terran Male Age 22
- Born in New Seattle , Earth
- Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, tanned complexion
- 6'2 and 220 lbs.
- Starfleet History - Classified Delta Level - Known History Includes :
- 2374 - Enters Starfleet Academy - Enters shuttle pilot training and engineering courses
- 2375 - Makes Red Squad - Shuttle Pilot and First officer in his first year
- 2376 - Graduates One year early, promoted to Lieutenant (jg) , enters RRT training
- 2377 - After a brief posting aboard DS9, he attends Flight School for Valkyrie fighters. Busted down to Ensign while in training for insubordination.
- 2377 - Finishes flight training in number two spot, because of recklessness. Returns to DS9
- 2379 - Promoted to Lieutenant (jg ) and posted to Pathfinder as a RRT pilot.
- Personal Background - In 2374 was arrested by Federation authorities for stealing a Class 3 shuttlecraft. His aunt, Admiral Cassandra Antilles intervened on his behalf, and instead of being sentenced to prison, he opted to join Starfleet.
Commander Schultz
Lieutenant Okida
Other Pilots
Chief Leoni
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