"It takes brains to understand a smart remark, but none to be offended by it."
Lieutenant Jaal Jaxom - Operations
- Trill Male Age 33
- Born on Trill Homeworld
- Short Dark Brown Hair and Hazel Eyes, tanned skin, has a mustache and a scar that runs from left earlobe down past shoulder
- Height 5'8 Weight 190 lbs
- Starfleet History - Classified Beta Level - Known History Includes :
- 2366 - Joined Starfleet Academy at age 20
- 2366-69 - Was reprimanded multiple times for 'playing' practical jokes
- 2369 - Graduates Starfleet Academy - Posted to the Enterprise E for a period of one month before he was reassigned, the command staff did not appreciate his sense of humor, with exception to Commander Riker, who took a liking to the young ensign.
- 2369 - Transfered to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on Mars and assigned to a advanced targeting and sensor research program.
- 2370 - Promoted to Lieutenant (jg) and at his Commander's request is entered into the officer exchange program. He joins a Klingon vessel. This was his commander's way of 'teaching that young punk a lesson'
- 2370 - After spending time with the Klingons, Jax earns a newfound respect for authority while maintaining his mischievious streak. Commended by the Klingons, Jax is promoted to Lieutenant when he returns to the Fleet Yards.
- 2372 - After commendable service , Captain Drake - Jax's CO at Fleet Yards - endorses Jax to attend various training schools. Jax attends Advanced Tactical Training first and completes class, specializing in Tactical Ordnance and Threat Force - Dominion. Up for promotion to LtCommander, but stayed at Lieutenant due to his 'mischievious nature'
- 2373 - Attends Strategic Operations Training, specializing in Defensive Strategies and Intelligence Monitoring. Completes and attends Bridge Certification Training
- 2374 - Attends Exocultural Relations school, specializing in Survey Team Operations Officer
- 2375 - 2377 - Classified Omega Security Level -
- 2377 - Returns to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, after attending Branch Officer's training. Is posted as team leader on a new shielding research team.
- 2379 - Recruited by Commander Kostov to be Operations Officer on USS Pathfinder. After station life for so long, accepts.
Other Officers
Admiral McGuiness
Captain Garrison
Commander Kostov
Commander Schultz
Lt Commander Ral
Lt Commander Torlok
Counselor Morgan
Doctor Caves
Lieutenant Jaxom
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