Rules and Regulations
Ok people, the rules are pretty simple and here they are.
The Basics
- The Gamesmaster ( that's me ) runs the show. No making up things to interupt the storyline, No killing other characters without my say so
- No typing of what your action accomplishes, type what your character does...I will type in outcome.
- No conflicts out of game are to be brought to sim.
- Talking in game is signified by quotation marks.
- But MOST Important rule of all is HAVE FUN! Everyone in game is there for fun, so please do not disturb others with unwanted whispers or other harassment. I want this game to be fun for everyone involved
- Any ideas you have for your character development should be e-mailed to me and then be worked in. If you have specifics you want, let me know, otherwise I will take creative liscence and run with it.
- Gametime is 1am EST, thats 10pm PST, and 12 midnight CST, Every Saturday Night. Please be on time, though I know sometimes problems occur. If you cannot make a game, please inform me at least one day ahead of time, two if possible.
- Thanks again for your interest. Lets have a good time.
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