Commander Charles Schultz - Callsign : Cavalier - Wing Commander
- Terran Male Age 32
- Blonde Hair, Light Blue Eyes...slightly tanned
- 6'2 and 215 lbs
- Born on Varil IV , a Federation Colony
- StarFleet History : Classified Beta Security Level - Known History Includes:
- 2365 - Joins StarFleet Academy at age of 18
- 2367 - Excels at piloting, joins Red Squad as their shuttle pilot
- 2369 - Graduates 7th in Class
- 2369 - Assigned to the USS Perseus, a Miranda Class ship,as a Security Officer
- 2370 - While on an away mission, saved mission commander and two other officers from a group of renegade pirates. Arrested pirates and received a Commendation for Valor. Promoted to Lieutenant (jg)
- 2372 - Promoted to full Lieutenant and sent to Rapid Response Training After which he attends Bridge Officer's Certification Training and Branch Officer's training.
- 2372 - Finishes Rapid Response Training at Top of Class,attends Strategic Operations Training at request of Captain Long, Headmaster for the Rapid Response Training Courses.
- 2373 - Transferred to Rapid Response Unit on Starbase 351.
- 2374 - Attends Advanced Tactical Training to study the Jem'Hadar and Cardassians. Recommended by Commander Bradfurd, his RRT Commander. Completes Class and is promoted to Lt Commander
- 2375 - Earns Commendation for Valor while defending Starbase from a Cardassian attack.
- 2376 - After a devastating battle, Charles' squad is wiped out by a Jem'Hadar force, only Charles survives.
- 2376 - Attends training on Valkyrie Fighter Ships along with Commander Bradfurd and remaining RRT members.Graduates First in class, just beating Commander Bradfurd. Attends Branch Officer Training for Flight Command
- 2377 - Made Wingman of Commander Bradfurd,callsign Phoenix. Bradfurd gives Charles his callsign because Charles always came to save him at last minute.
- 2379 - Promoted to Commander and made Wing Commander of Dragon Squadron aboard the USS Pathfinder
Other Officers
Admiral McGuiness
Captain Garrison
Commander Kostov
Lt Commander Ral
Lt Commander Torlok
Counselor Morgan
Doctor Caves
Lieutenant Jaxom
Lieutenant (jg) Antilles
Lieutenant Okida
Chief Leoni
Other Pilots
Commander Bradfurd
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