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Starfleet Profile: Azal Shikana

First Name: Azal
Last Name: Shikana
Rank: Ensign (Chief of Intelligence)

Past Assignments: Star Fleet Intelligence, Data co-ordinator.
Star Fleet Intelligence, field agent supervision.

Race: Terran
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210lb
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Brown
Birthplace: USS Roger Young
Mother: Lt. JG Xia Shikana (deceased)
Father: Lt. Marcus Shikana (deceased)
Siblings: None
Spouse: None

Personality: Shikana is not very outgoing, he tends to keep his thoughts to himself due to his early tragedies. This does not preclude him talking to others, he very often speaks with others, and subtlety learns from them. He learns a lot about their motivations and rumors that they know, but they will likely gain very little from him. When acting in an official capacity people often feel uncomfortable because he always seems to be weighing their actions and judging them. He has twice initiated proceedings to have a fellow intelligence officers psyche reviewed. Both times they were found in need of therapy and removed from duty. This story got around and people became somewhat nervous around him. He resigned himself to this and does not expect to make friends. He is very melancholy. He does like people, and he loves to observe them.

Strengths: 1) He is a psychologist, he is very good at determining the motivations of those around him. In a pinch he could double as a counselor.
2) His other great strength is his access to intelligence data. He will invariably know quite a bit about local gossip and rumors, the condition of important individuals, and general Star Fleet data before others do. His knowledge of intelligence data is preternatural, his information connections remain from when he supervised field agents. His advice may contain classified data, especially if he is talking to ranking officers about things he thinks they should know. He will only do this with officers he trusts, and if he thinks it is necessary.

Weaknesses: 3)People are very wary of him after he made some of his co-workers step down by way of mental instability. 2)He suffers from depression about the death of his parents, and this can affect his work. Despite significant talent, he remains an ensign because he has failed mission objectives from being too depressed to continue. Also he is suspected of having given out classified intelligence data to unauthorized personnel. He has a reputation of deciding who should be authorized. This made him slightly popular with field agents and ship crews, but very unpopular in Intelligence.

Early life and Academy: Azal was born on a Star Fleet ship (the Roger Young), his parents worked there as officers. They were both killed in a conflict with the Borg. Azal survived but he was scarred. Most of the time he is stable and driven, but occasionally depression strikes and he will be completely unable to function. He joined the Academy but was hindered greatly by his depression. He finished around midway in his class, as a result his talents were better then his marks would indicate. He was treated often for this depression but no lasting harm was caused. He specialized in Star Fleet Intelligence, he loves practical knowledge. He got into trouble for beginning a information ring among his classes. He would trade favors with other students. As an example he was first discovered putting small remote cameras in one of the teacher's lounges. They would often work there, and the cameras were placed so as to see tests and things. His Academy career is fraught with such incidents, but most were never definitively proven to have been him. He became careful after being caught in early escapades. He graduated with a Ph. D. in Psychology.

Star Fleet Intelligence: His mediocre schoolwork, and disciplinary problems messed him up in his first postings, he was overqualified and he became bored quickly. His depression also precluded him from some important jobs and any fieldwork. Stuck at a boring desk job correlating useless intelligence reports. He began to work on his own pet project. He began making friends with field agents and other data officers. He started his own intelligence network inside the framework of Star Fleet Intelligence. It was never illegal or very major, but it would have been frowned upon if found. He continues it to this day, and will often have information before relevant officers do. (i.e. He will quite possibly know where a ship is to go before the Captain does). This caused problems because he would often warn Captains of impending missions to give them time to prepare. He is qualified for higher-ranking positions but has been denied promotion because of these incidents.
      Seeing potential in him, and his problem with deskwork. They assigned him to supervision of field agents. This is where he shined, and it was found that if he was focused on work he could avoid depression. As soon as a lull came around. . . he would go back to his moping. He served with excellence for the most part, however he denounced two intelligence officers for mental instability. At first he was scorned, but he persisted and soon they were recommended to take psych evaluations. They were both found to be dangerously unstable and were forced to step down. This was a proper thing to do, they could have been dangerous after all. However it became difficult for him to work with anyone who had heard that story. Intelligence personnel refused to work with him. This is why he was transferred to the Laffey, it was hoped that he could function there. This is something of a last chance with him.
       As an amusing anecdote, when his commander came to inform him he was being transferred, he had already packed and was ready to go. He had been informed by his own sources that he was to move out. He takes grim amusement in second guessing (correctly) his superiors.
       If any officers know a little about him (i.e. read his file) then they will know that they might be able to get information out of him. Such as transfers and shuffling within their department, promotions, ship movements or personnel data. However most people would be wary of dealing with him to much. If he thinks there is something psychologically wrong with you, he can and will turn you in.

47592 – Entered Star Fleet Academy
51351 – Graduated from the Academy and Commissioned as an Ensign
51351 – Assigned to Starfleet Intelligence on Earth
52888 – Assigned as a Field Supervisor
54162 – Assigned to the USS Laffey as Chief Intelligence Officer