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Starfleet Profile: Franklin Gentry

First Name: Franklin
2nd Lt. Franklin Gentry Last Name: Gentry
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Past Assignments: None, Straight out of the Academy
Race: Terren
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160lbs
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Hazel
Birthplace: Marcus Iowa,                          Earth
Mother: Bridgette Gentry
Father: David Gentry
Siblings: Kristine Gentry (14),                    Micheal Gentry (8)
Spouse: None, though engaged to 3rd Year Cadet Lisa Hayse

Personality: Rather quiet, even shy (at least by SF Marine standards). But, once in the cockpit of a fighter, or any small spacecraft his aggressiveness comes out.

Strengths: 1) A natural pilot, with very high reflexes.
2) Thinks in three dimensions.
3) Never losses his cool in the heat of battle.

Weaknesses: 1) Not very good at hand-to-hand combat.
2) He is a bit of a klutz when on his feet.

The Scene (Stardate 43586): Two people sit near fire in a campsite near the Little Sioux River. The tall person an old man putting a marshmellow on the end of a stick, the young one, a 6 year boy, roasting his marshmellow in the fire.
(The old man): Now Franky, you be careful when you pull your marshmellow off, it'll be plenty hot.
(Franky): Ah, Granpa! I'm notta little baby! Ouch!
(Old man, laughing) Stings does'nt it?............. O.K. Now, where was I, ah yes. So, then I yelled at engineering, "Vasques how fast can you get those phasers back online? And the Chief, said........
(Old man): Yah Frank?
(Franky): When I grow up.......can I go see the stars like you did?
(Old man):Young man, you can anything you like.

Academy History
Next Scene (Stardate 49586): Young man walks into the Starfleet Recruiting Office. A Starfleet NCO sits behind a desk. The young man almost trips over a piece of furnature before reaching the desk.
(NCO):Ah......How can I help you young man?
(Frank): I'd like to join Starfleet.
(NCO, with a raised eye brow):Starfleet?
(Frank):Yes, I want to pilot starfighters.
(NCO): Ah yes.....Exuse me for a minute. (with that the NCO gets up, knocks on the Recruiting Officer's door, and walks into the RO's office. As Frank waits, there is a whistle at the door. A tall man in a uniform with pants sporting a red stripe down each leg, stands at the door, with a sneaky smile on his face.)
(Marine): Sorry,I could'nt help but over hear. Did you say you wanted to pilot starfighters?........How would you like to pilot with the best in the Federation?
(Minutes later, the Starfleet NCO steps out of the RO's office. The front office is empty.)
Scene Three (Stardate 51753): The Marine flight instucter entered the school Commandants office and snapped to attention.
(Commandant): At ease, and take a seat Jim.(The instructer sat down) So, how is the family?
(Instructor): Their fine sir, Sonja's already picking the wallpaper for the baby's nursery.
(Commandant): Yes,....excellent......Well, the reason I called you in is Cadet Gentry.
(Commandant):Your requesting that he be washed out?
(Instructor): After what he did this morning! Most definitely Sir!
(Commandant): He did the Frieghter Defence sinerio, right?
(Instructor):Yes Sir, he was to defend a freighter, as six of his classmates played attackers.
(Commandant): And as the senerio progresses, his weapons systems are shut down?

(Instructor): Yes Sir, it's to teach the cadet when it's time to dissengage from the battle. You know Sir, sometimes prudence is the best part of valor.
(Commandant): Yes,yes......And what did Cadet Gentry do in this situation?
(Instructor):He repeatedly tried colliding with the attacking fighters, endangering everyone of the other engaging pilots. Frankly Sir, they had to break off their attack, and we had to end the exersize.
(Commandant): Jim....Are you familiar with the ancient sport known as chicken? .........How many regestered hits did the freighter sustain? (Instructor): None Sir.
(Commandant): I would say he passed the exercize....................................

Service Record Summery:
49586 - Entered Academy
53356 - Graduated from Academy and commissioned as 2nd Lt. in
                the Marine Corp.
54216 - Assigned to USS-Laffey
54321.66 - Promoted to Wing Commander
54471.55 - Promoted to 1st Lt.


'The Michael West Memorial' Ship's Most Improved Simmer of the Month 'The Michael West Memorial' Ship's Most Improved Simmer of the Month.
Awarded for the month April 2001, Stardate 54332.66
The Marine Achievement Ribbon
'The Marine Achievement Ribbon'
Awarded Stardate 54425.0