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Starfleet Profile: Dalar Maxton

Name: Dalar Maxton
Race: Leotoes
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
DOB: 32126.61
Age = 3x earth years and they live till about age 75
Height: 6'10""
Weight: 275
Eyes: Copper
Hair: Brown
Build: Muscular.
Previous Assignments: Unknown

Personal strengths:
1) Well trained (10 years) in many forms of combat both ranged and melee
2) Trained in Survival and security systems.
3) Surpassed most academy classes with high averages

1) Hatred for Cardassians.
2) Fear of Shuttle pods.
3) Doesn't trust anybody

Physical Description:

Body lightly fur coated until main torso then growing in larger amounts in
a V-shape up passed the shoulders. Sharp teeth, hands and feet have a hardened padding on the underside and both end in 2' claws on both hands and feet. On average can grow about 7' tall and are broadly built.

Personal History:

Starting training at age 6 with Starfleet after they had taken him in. During a battle between Maphorn (Dalar's Home world) and Cardassians which lasted about a weeks time. On the last day of fighting a Bomb was teleported onto the planet by the Cardassians and almost eliminating all Leotoes including Dalar's family. Not long after Starfleet made it's appearance to what they thought to be a desolated planet. Dalar aged 4 at the time befriended a Starfleet officer named Kevin Hodge a security officer who was on Patrol in the area. Dalar was now very afraid, almost to a state of comatose of his own planet's destruction and a return by the Cardassians, That Kevin had managed to get permission from both the Leotoes race and Starfleet to take Dalar under his charge until a better place could be found for him. During his stay aboard their vessel in Task force 9 during VAdm Roberts command and crew he was taught how to defend an in turn how to fight by Kevin. A strong bond was created between both he and Dalar. Never wanting to let Kevin down He trained and studied hard and finally as an act of gratitude and honor for his "Father figure" Dalar joined Starfleet academy and in most classes he surpassed almost everyone. When unfortunate circumstances caused VAdm Roberts to step down so Adm Zarek Dragon could take command of TF9 Dalar asked for a transfer to Task force 44. Now aged 18 (54 earth years) he is ready for a chance on a Starship.and has been
given one aboard the USS Laffey.

Career Review:

54090.65 - Assigned to USS Laffey as Chief Security Officer
54322.66 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade


Mission MVP Award    Mission MVP Award for "Intruder Alert"

Crew Evaluations
(For Crew Member Only)