Captain's Log:
Things have been fairly
quiet this week on the Laffey. Several members of the crew gathered
for a drink and got to know each other a little better, while Capt.
Meek brooded in his ready room. Lt. DeNova made a major discovery
about the Breen outpost. Through an expert analysis of the one of
the cobalt explosives he was able to narrow down our search for
the outpost considerably. Currently the ship is cloaked and trying
to approach the Breen outpost without being discovered.
Stardate 54249.62
We had a near death this week
in Engineering. Apparently, the Breen located us and targeted the
ship with a radiation beam of some sort. Major systems of the ship
would have overloaded if En. Johnson, our Chief Engineer, had not
risked his life to get things under control. Capt. Meek was not
at all pleased with En. Johnson putting his life in such great danger
without contacting him. The Captain privately jumped Lt. DeNova
for allowing Johnson to risk his life.
Also this week, we discovered
that the Breen outpost is mobile!! By adjusting our scanners to
target biological matter we were able to track the outpost. The
Marines are currently in their Razors and waiting for the order
to launch.
Stardate 54271.68
We are hip deep in battle
this week! The Laffey's fighters have been launched and are in combat
with enemy fighters launched from a capital ship. Meanwhile the
Laffey attacked the outpost and managed to beam the away team aboard.
While our shields were down we were hit with what was left of an
enemy fighter. We lost communications with both the away team and
our fighters. Ensigns Matthews and Johnson are working on correcting
the problems.
Stardate 54290.65
The battle between the
Breen and the Laffey is winding down this week. But the effects
of the battle are all to real for the crew. The wing commander,
Lt. Nevebay, was killed while fighting for the Laffey and Lt. Merrick
has lost a limb to the Breen ship. At this point all our fighters
have been recalled and we are trying to get our away team back as
soon as possible. We had Breen intruders on the bridge and several
crew members were hurt badly enough to require medical help. The
bridge is currently manned by beta shift.
Stardate 54312.85
We have officially starting
a new mission. Well, technically we are between missions at the
moment on Shore Leave. We have to be sure and head back to AFY at
the end of this week so we can join up with the joint mission.