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Star Fleet Profile: Grace Merrick

First Name: Grace

Last Name: Merrick

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Past Assignements: Security USS Farragut,
                                         Computer Sys. Specialist USS Enterprise-E
                                         Part of Starship computer research team
                                                at Star Base 74

Race: 22nd Century Terran Cyborg
Lt. Grace Merrick
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 120 lb
Gender: Female
Eye Color: White (from optics implants)
Birthplace: Earth, New York
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Siblings: None
Spouse: None

Personality: She is generally all business. This is not to say that she doesn’t have a sense of humor but it’s not something that makes a regular appearance. She takes her job seriously and does not let her guard down unless off duty. Off duty she may be found to be personable with those she feels comfortable with but it is not easy gaining her trust.

Cybernetic Ehancements:

- Reinforced bone structure for dealing with the extra stresses of having cybernetically enhanced muscles.
- All cybernetic systems are heavily shielded against magnetic fields.
- Optics: (Improved by Commander Maddox) The improved optics have the same capabilities as Geordi LaForge’s Optic Implants circa Star Trek First Contact. This includes magnification, light from visible to all across the electromagnetic spectrum including infrared and radio waves and recording capabilities and makes her eye color white. Her optics allow her to have “smart gun” capabilities making her aim very very accurate.
- Aural implants: Digital input and recording from all audio input.
- Her strength is 3.3 times that of a normal man and she is capable of moving faster than is possible for a normal human.
- Her main CPU can be accessed for downloading or uploading data by two data access ports located on the inside of either of her wrists.

Due the Grace’s ability to “jack into” the computer systems she is ver adept at repairing them and keeping them in running order. Her cybernetic implants make her extremely dexterious and her skill with hand held weapons of all kinds is top notch. Her previous military training makes her very knowledgeable in security as well.

- Although her systems operate efficiently she is required to return to the Daystrom Institute every six months for what in layman’s terms would be a “tune-up.” If this doesn’t happen her systems will begin to slowly degrade to the point of complete shut down which means death.
- The cybernetic implants are responcible for causing extreme mood swings and anger. to control this Grace must take a dopamine enhancer drug (DED) once every day. If the DED is not taken her mood swings and temper will begin to worsen much like what would happen to a drug addict when they cannot get a fix.
- Grace does not trust easily, even fellow crew members. She finds it hard to trust anyone until they have proved themselves to her.
- Although her systems are generally protected from Magnetic fields, exposure to strong magnetic fields can cause system malfunctions that could range from small “tics” to major malfunctions.
- Although she is a cyborg she is still made of flesh and blood and blood loss will affect her in the same way as anyone else. Her flesh is just as susceptible to wounds as the wounds of anyone else.

Family and Pre-Star Fleet Academy History

Grace Merrick was born Feb. 20
th 2133. She was abandoned as an infant and spent most of her childhood in various orphans homes. At age 17 in the year 2150 she applied to the Earth Forces Defense Force and was accepted. She quickly took to the military lifestyle and by the year 2154 had reached the rank of Sergeant Major. At this time she volunteered for a top secret program involving the use of cybernetics to enhance soldiers for the purpose of making them more deadly, called M-COS (Military-Cybernetic Operating System) . In 2156 the Romulan Wars begin and she is pressed into service before full tests of her new Cybernetic implants can be made, gaining the rank of lieutenant. During this war a virus was introduced main cpu that rendered the cyborgs non-operational. Most died because of massive systems shutdowns. Luckily for Grace, she was one of the very few that survived. But she only survived because the scientists were able to get her into a stasis pod before the virus had totally currupted her systems.

The Technicians and Scientists labored in vain to find a fix for the lethal virus that had invaded her CPU but it was to no avail. This was 2158. Two years later the Romulan Wars ended and the M-COS program was discontinued. The main research station for M-COS was on Mars and was so top secret that very few even knew of its existence. Because of this it was soon forgotten. As the base was designed to be self sufficient because of it's secret nature, it continued in minimal operational status; which was enough to maintain the stasis pods.

It would be 200 years before anyone entered the base again. In 2366 a mining crew accidently discovered the M-COS base and it was immediately turned over to Star Fleet. Three stasis pods were found but only one was still functioning, that of Grace Merrick. Her pod was transferred to the Daystrom Institute where a team from the cybernetics division lead by Commander Bruce Maddox immediately began working on the problem of the virus and on re-awakening the Lieutenant. It was not long before the virus problem was solved and the Lieutenant was revived. Over the next two years, Commander Maddox would work on replacing her systems with a modern CPU and with some positronic systems that he had learned about from his study of Commander Data.

Star Fleet Academy

In 2368 Grace decides to enter Star Fleet Academy. While there she specialized in computer systems and in security eventually graduating with honors in both areas one year early in 2371. While there she did not make any real friends because of the her own reluctance to trust and because of the other cadets nervousness around her because of her cybernetic implants.

USS Farragut

The Ensign’s first assignment was the USS Farragut NCC - 60591. Her service aboard the Farragut was for the most part uneventful, until later that year they were ordered to proceed to Veridian III to rescue the stranded crew of the Enterprise- D whose saucer section had crash landed on Veridian III. It was here that a chance meeting between the Ensign and Commander Data took place. Because of obvious mutual interests, (i.e. her cybernetic implants) she and Commander Data struck up a quick friendship and because of his recommendation she was transferred to the New Enterprise-E when it launched in 2372.

USS Enterprise-E

During her time on the Enterprise her friendship with Commander Data increased. The Commander was able to make improvements on various areas of her cybernetic and positronic systems. It was a year later in 2373 that the USS Enterprise-E took part in the defense of sector 001 (The Sol Sector) against the Borg Cube. In an extreme case of irony, Ensign Merrick was among the away team that beamed down to 21
st century earth 70 years before she was born, to assist in the repairs on the Phoenix that was due to make it’s historical flight with Zefram Cochrane the next day. For her actions during this battle she was promoted to Lieutenant j.g. She still to this day, considers participating in the mission to “raise the Phoenix” as the most proud moment in her career. In 2374 she was reluctantly transferred to Star Base 74 to assist and research for computer upgrades for Star Ships.

Star Base 74

At Star Base 74 Merrick proved a great asset in helping in the improved Starship computer research there. She was a part of the team that would make improvements in the computer systems that went into all new Starships. It was on account of her good work here that she was given, as a reward, the transfer she had been hoping for. In 2377 she was given transfer orders to one of the new ships that she had helped work on the computers for. She was on her way to report as XO for the USS Laffey.

USS Laffey

During an attack on a Breen Outpost, Merrick's arm was assimilated into the bio ship while she was attempting to interface with the ships cpu. This necessitated her arm having to be cut off to save herself from complete assimilation by the ship. As a result of her actions on this mission she was promoted to full Lieutenant. After the mission on Stardate 54311.20 she returned to the Daystrom Institute to have a fully mechanical arm attached to replace the one she had lost. As a result most of her left arm is now complete mechanical instead of machine surrounded by flesh.

Career Review:

48534.2 - Graduated from Star Fleet Academy with honors in
                   security and computer systems.
48583.6 - Security Officer Rank Ensign aboard the USS Farragut
49139.3 - Transfer to USS Enterprise-E
50276.7 - Promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade
51030.1 - Transfer to Star Base 74 as part of Starship computer
                   research team
54131.5 - Transfer to USS Laffey as XO
54310.72 - Promotion to Full Lieutenant
54322.66 - Received Purple heart


Mission MVP Award    Mission MVP award for "Outpost" mission.

Purprle Heart    Purple Heart for injuries received during "Outpost"

Crew Evaluations
(for crewmember only)