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Crew Application



Thank you for joining the ranks of the USS Ronin!


Personal Information Section

First, we'd like to ask a few basic questions about the "real" you. They are intended to help us improve the game. Please note that a valid email address is required to join the rpg. Otherwise, we have no way of contacting you!

  Your Real Name


Please DO NOT press ENTER after filling out each field. This will transmit the application before you've finished it. To navigate between fields, use the mouse or the TAB key.
  Your E-Mail
*required* (so we can contact you)
  Website (if you have one)  
  Your Age Group  
  Previous RPG Experience  
  How did you find out about the USS Ronin RPG?
Specify here please:


Character Information Section

The questions in this section all refer to your USS Ronin character. Please try to fill in as much as you can, but keep in mind you will always be able to add to and update your biography later on - just email the captain.

Please restrict your choice to 'official' Star Trek races commonly found in the Alpha quadrant serving aboard Federation starships. Humans, Vulcans, Betazoids, Bajorans, Bolians, Andorians are all good examples. Races like Romulans, Borg, ex-Borg, Cardassians, Changelings, and "Q" will NOT be accepted.

Male / Female / Other

If Other, specify here:
  Place of Birth

for example: City, Planet

In standard Earth years

In Feet/Inches or Centimeters

In Pounds or Kilograms

Color. Optionally, anything unusual, etc....

Color. Optionally, style, length, anything unusual, etc....
  Other Physical Details / Distinguishing Features
Optional. Things a person would notice upon glancing at your character. For example: notable physical characteristics, scars, tatoos, eye-patch, peg-leg, spots, stripes, fur, antennae, etc....

  Character Photo
Optional. The BI art staff can create a photo of your character using a picture of your favorite celebrity. If you'd like to have your character represented by a celebrity - a famous actor, singer, whatever, enter the name of the person here:
  Character's Background / History
If you are including detailed accounts of the character's education and/or service record, those should be put in this section.
Describe your character's personality - his likes, dislikes, fears, motivations, how he interacts with others, etc.... Whatever makes him tick.
  Special Abilities
Optional. Some races have abilities that humans do not: telepathy, empathy, super-strength, shape-shifting, good hearing, etc....

  Additional Notes
Optional. Anything that didn't quite seem to fit anywhere else.


Character Assignment Section

In this section, state your preferences for Service Branch and Department assignment.

  Service Branch
You can join as a Starfleet Officer, an Enlisted Crewman, or a Civilian. Note that there is no Marine detachment aboard the Ronin. Which would you like to be?
Which department would you like to join

If Other, specify here:
Some departments can be subdivided into specific disciplines. For example, within the Science department there may be positions for Science Officer, Stellar Cartography, Astrometrics, Geologist, Exobiologist, etc. Medical would include Dentists and Nurses, etc. Engineering might include Slipstream Specialist, Warp Specialist, Transporter Operator, etc. Helm encompasses Shuttle Pilots.

If you have a specific subdivision that you'd like your character to play, list it here. This is totally optional, and limited only by your imagination. If left blank, your character will be listed as "Engineering Officer", or "Science Officer", or whatever main department you chose above.



Agreement Section


Once accepted to the USS Ronin, you will begin the game with the rank of Ensign (if Officer), or Crewman (if Enlisted), and will advance through the ranks by writing episodes and contributing effectively to the story.

The USS Ronin RPG is Rated PG-13, meaning that no vulgar or offensive language or situations, or excessive graphic violence will be tolerated in your episodes.


If you have any other comments (about anything), please write them here:


By pressing the Send button below, you signify that you have read and agree to abide by the above two conditions.