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Emergency Medical Hologram



Name: Bev'lyn
approx. age: 27
height: 5'9"
weight: 133
eyes: Brown
hair: Black;
always in bun at nap of neck

Usage of program Dr. Beverly Crusher of StarFleet and Dr. Vixxis D'raock of the Klingon Empire. Also programed to protect sickbay aboard ship.

Career History:
First up-load to the I.K.S. To'wo'd. She is a blend of Dr. Crusher and Dr. D'raock. They used the form of Dr. D'raock because she was a Klingon/Human. This is her first upload, but there is a copy located at Starbase Argus.

She has the basic emotions of a Klingon, her temper is barely skin deep, so don't mess with her domain (sickbay) unless it is mandatory. She is also programed to protect her domain at all cost. When the ship goes to red alert she is automatically intialized.