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Name: Sheona
Age: 31
Rank: DoH
Postition: Captain
Hieght: 5'11
Weight: 145
Eyes: Whisky Brown
Hair: Black with red highlights

Family History:
Father: Groth son of Molth, age: 53, presently residing on Argus Prime.
Mother: Vivlynn daughter of Bokger, deceased.
Blood sister: Charrisma, age: 29, presently in Starfleet. 

Career History:
2363 - lagh (Warrior 1st class) aboard I.K.S. Wa-hu-hi
2364 - Sogh lagh (Warrior 2nd class) aboard I.K.S. Wa-hu-hi
2366 - Sogh (Warrior 3rd class) aboard I.K.S. Wa-hu-hi
2367-2372 - Classified special mission
2372 - returned to the I.K.S. Wa-hu-hi
2374 - ra'wl' Sogh  aboard the I.K.S. Wa-hu-hi
2375 - ra'wl' aboard the I.K.S. Wa-hu-hi
2375 - end of year took a leave to visit a friend..
2376 - Joined fathers ship the I.K.S. Tse-ni'
2376 - I.K.S. Tse-ni' and I.K.S. Wa'hya where in a battle the Dominion, the I.K.S. Tse-ni' left the I.K.S. Wa'hay in the middle of battle causing the I.K.S. Wa'hya to be distroyed. The I.K.S. Tse-ni'
           was classified as a cowards ship. To win back it's honor the I.K.S. Tse-ni' went to DS9 to
           collect Charrisma from the U.S.S. Diligent and her honor.
2377 - ra'wl' aboard the I.K.S. Tse-ni'
2378 - ship joined StarFleet because of a mission against the Jem'Hadar
2378 - DoH  of the I.K.S. Tse-ni' she renamed to the I.K.S. To'wo'd

Personal History:
Sheona's mother died giving birth to Sheona, leaving Groth to raise his daughter on his own. He hired a woman to raise his daughter till she was old enough to join him. When Sheona was the age of 16 and her father had not come to take her to the I.K.S. Tse-ni' she joind DoH Grent aboard the I.K.S. Wa-hu-hi. To prove herself she worked and faught extra hard against their enemies. Quickly proving herself in battle. Earning the rank of ra'wl' aboard the I.K.S. Wa-hu-hi. She took between 2367 and 2372 off to join in on a mission with Star Fleet. On this mission  she met Charrisma, they spent several years in a joint mission together  becoming  the best of friends. Sheona taught Charrisma all about the ways of  a Klingon warrior. They became so close that Sheona and Charrisma went through  the ritual to become bood sisters. And they made a pact that should one ever get into trouble the other would be there to help. In 2372 the two parted ways to return to their own ways of like, both reminding the other of their pact. Once Sheona returned to her homeworld she discovered her father had come for her. She joined her fathers ship the I.K.S. Tse-ni' maintaining the rank and postion of ra'wl'. After a mission under the command of Charrisma in 2378, a battle against the Jem'Hadar. Charrisma turned the I.K.S. Tse-ni' over to Sheone  to command. Sheona desided that for the ship to prosper she need to become a part of Star Fleet. Admiral White seen to it. Sheona renamed her to the I.K.S. To'wo'd.

Sheona is a strong willed woman, she's had to be in order to climb the ranks to DoH. She has a temper as all Klingons do and she loves a good battle, or any kind of fight. She cares for Charrisma as if she was of her own blood, for she and Charrisma have become blood sisters. She has a soft side, as observed when she could not take the Tse-ni' from her father and had to call in help. Also instead of killing her father or sending him back to the home world she seen to it he was set up in a house on Argus Prime. She like to have fun with her crew mates. But can be deadly if crossed.

Argus Fleet