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Emergency Engineerign Hologram




Name: Mal'tal Reagh
Age: 35
Postition: E.E.H.
hieght: 6'6"
weight: 210
eyes: Brown
hair: Black
appearance: Male/Klingon

History: Is an escact copy of Mal'tal from an Empiral Ambasador ship.

The Original Mal'tal was a geniouse when it came to the Bird of Prey Class ships. He spent much time helping the Romulans with the cloaking devices. He knew the K'vort class in construction backwards and forwards.

Very easy going, the Romulans believe he is to emotional even for a Klingon, they would accuse him of being part human. He has an intence dislike of humans, but overlooks it when it comes to his ships "if it's good for the ship then it's good for him"!