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Name: Makir son of Fetkal
Age: 34
Rank : Sogh
Postition: Science officer
Hieght: 6' 2"
weight: 15st
eyes: brown
hair: long and black in a braid down his back

Family History: The House of Fetkal was a minor house from one of the outlying regions of the empire until Fetkal sided with Gowron during the Klingon civil war.  The bravery of the houses warriors in taking one of duras's major supply bases with only a handful of elderly b'rel class
birds of prey was noted and the house steadly gained in stature. It is one of the most staunch supporters of House Martok althought not quite important enough to gain a seat on the klingon high council.

Career History: Makir is an officer who unlike most has not risen up the ranks by being someone who challenges his superiors but instead through loyalty.  He started off in the service of his fathers house as the conn officer aboard the b'rel class vessel the Klev'mar. When this vessel was severly damaged during the Klingon civil war he save most of the crew by managing to pilot the vessel far enough from the fighting to launch the escape pods and in doing so was decorated and promoted to Sogh lagh.  Later during the Cardassian-Klingon war whilst serving on the K-tinga class vessel the IKS Te'mar as Science officer Maklir was able to detect and help destroy a Cardassian fleet hidden in the badlands for this he was promoted to Sogh A rank and position he kept when he transferred
to the K'vort class IKS Reklar during the Dominion war. During this war the Reklar helped the Akira class USS Illusion fight off an attack by five jem hadar craft.  The Illusion was crippled during the attack and the Reklar only managed to rescue half its crew before the Illusions Warp core breached. He was then transfered to the IKS To'wo'd a K'vort class Bird of Prey. Where he was placed as Chief Science Officer and is the acting XO and maintains the rank of Sogh.

Personal History:  Meklir's father Fetkal hoped for his son to be a true warrior and is dissapointed that he chose to be a science officer however he was molified by his sons actions during the
Cardassian-Klingon war and on occasion has been known to be proud of  him. One of these occasions was a Mek'leth tournament in which Meklir excelled. One thing his father and Meklir share is a hatred of Romulans as the house of Feklirs home space is close to the neutral zone.  Meklir was suprised that the romulans entered the dominion war and still doesnt trust them.  He does however like humans having seen their "warrior spirit" during the dominon war and still has links to several members of the Illusions former crew.  He is closest to Commander Robert McNeal who
now serves at Starfleet Command and is a regular visitor to earth in more peaceful times.

Personality:  Meklir can appear surly and aloof to most but this is only as they have not earned his respect or trust.  He can also be a joker which may suprise many but he sees it as a role which is needed aboard ship during war time in order to raise moral.