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I.K.S. To'wo'd 
Rules and Regulations

Only attach the 2 most immediately received posts above your own. Meaning the posts you send out should have no more then 3 posts in it: the post you wrote personally & the 2 posts written by the last 2 players to send out a post. 

The beginning & end of the story portion of your post MUST be marked by the word 'On' at the top & 'Off' at the bottom. 

All posts are to be signed below the "Off' mark with at least the writer's character name. This is especially to be applied in the case of jointly written posts so that all contributors get proper credit. 

Settings, particularly changes of location within a post or settings of a point in time predating the current general timeframe of the mission, must be clearly marked to avoid confusion. 

Cursing / cussing in posts -- "Bleep" yourself. It is not exactly canon in the Star Trek universe to use profanity left & right as often as is done today, but I realize some may feel it's necessary in a medium incapable of properly displaying facial expressions of anger or frustration no matter how specific your descriptiveness is. I encourage players to get more creative in their writing or use these alternatives: cuss words in Klingon or other alien tongues.

Rules for Posting

CO & XO 
-- 2 posts a week.

Senior Officers
--1 post a week.

Junior Officers
--1 post every two weeks

NCOs (enlisted ranks) & civilians 
-- 1 post (or more) every 3 weeks. 

Absences -- Prolonged periods of where you expect to not be posting are to be preceded by a notice to both the CO & XO of when your absence from the game will begin & a date of when you expect to be back. Anyone absent without warning (AWOL) must have a believable excuse upon return in order to retain their position (but too many excuses just become only excuses). Those having sudden technical difficulties with their Net access I urge to at least try getting a message through to at least the ship's mailing list address via Hotmail, Yahoo, etc., a friend's computer, or a fellow player to let us know where you've gone. An unreasonably prolonged unexplained absence can result in you being considered having quit the game & your position will be vacated & marked 'Available'. 

NO LURKERS -- only Observers specially designated by the CO or Starbase Argus Command staff may receive e-mail from the ship's mailing list without sending posts to the list. If you are granted a crew position on the To'wo'd  you WILL be expected to adhere to your posting requirement in accordance with the above list of rules. 


 Do NOT ask for a promotion.

 All players should follow the general Star Trek timeline and ideals.

No one should create lasting and extensive new technologies without the approval of the admiralty.

All players should follow the chain of command, bringing their problems/ideas to their direct commanding officer FIRST, however if required take your problems/ideas to your Division Advisor. (This shows respect for your superiors, as well as helping to alleviate some of the workload from the higher up players).

Only the Captain of a ship may start and end missions for that ship, unless specific instructions have been given otherwise.

All mission related plots and subplots must be approved through your ship's Captain PRIOR to development. (I.E. You don't have to tell your CO if you're going to ask the CMO out on a date, but if you and the CMO are going to go AWOL to save a dying planet, the CO should know)

NO ONE may use anybody else's character in ways unfitting to the previously established personality, or make major changes to that character, without PRIOR approval by that character's player.

Please be courteous to ALL other players, and  RESPECT each other REGARDLESS of age, sex, personal backgrounds, beliefs, or writing abilities.

Above all else, remember that this is a GAME, and have FUN with it!

