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  Making quick work of the orcs, and healing Anson, the party continued.  They found many more orcs and disposed of them without further incident.  Recovering most of the treasure from the orcs, the party set out along a second path and found more of the mayor's stuff.  They party came upon a doorway that led into a nice chamber, where the orc captain sat.  Along one wall was chained a prisoner, an elf.

    A battle ensued and things went well...   until the Talgor Hal-Gath decided he'd rather toss his war hammer at an orc while in me-lee with it.  The orc, having lost his sword earlier, picked up the war hammer and proceeded to... toss it right back.

    Once the captain and his guards were dispatched, they were able to rescue an elf that had been chained to a wall.  Taking this new found person into their group, they heard a shout  "I ain't staying here with him!" and the old man ran off.  The two dwarves ran after him.

    While the party cleaned up and made sure all the mayors stuff was here, a sword was discovered and given to Anson.  The mayor showed up shortly after that and gave the party a new job:  Find out where all these orcs are coming from and stop them if they can.  The mayor gave them some help, a 'torch boy' to give them light and carry anything if needed.

On to Session 3