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Logs of past Adventures

The Begining
A party born and bloodied
Treasure Divide
Introduction to Ver
Encounter with Magic (Phavix)
Meeting with the King
Horror of Hestorige
Interlude with Premis and Phavix
Refuge among the Savages
Retriveal of the Key of Petarch
Liberation of Petarch
Group Bonding
Attack on Barbarian Camp
Battle With Rax
Across the Tundra
Entrance to the Three
A secret revealed, A Mission Planned
Introduction of Mardala
Prep to flee the City
Return to the Barbarians
Group Tatics....Group Problems
Giant Busters

Ogier Revealed
Tragic Reunions
Vosh and the Plot
Attack of the Gnome
The Truth about Elves
Division to Psionics
Ambush Squared
Talk with God
Death of Friends