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London, 1886.

The infamous London fog parts with your approach as your boots scrape the damp, gravelly sidewalk. The waning gibbous moon casts an unsettling glow on the fog laden city, dipping closer to the horizon, though the light serves only to further the contrast of the billowing shadows that caress the streets and alleyways. In the distance are the echoes of horse hooves clopping on cobblestone and the foghorns of ships sailing along the Thames.

And what was that? A howl? You hear them almost every night now. Others told you when you asked them of it that it is merely that of a dog. What other manner of creature with such a howl could possibly infest this modern city? Yes, definitely a dog. You nod your head in agreement, though silently vowing to quit the job at the inn that forces you to work these late nights.

What was it your father told you once? The larger the city, the deeper its secrets. And he added with a chuckle that London is one of the largest cities, indeed. Tragic, really, what became of him. Your father’s murder; yet another victim of the killer. You know the one. His victims are found with puncture wounds and drained of all blood. People have become more and more concerned and, every day, Scotland Yard reports that they have a lead on the killer and it is only a matter of time now. Truly a sick individual, that one.

Clicking open your pocket watch, you find that it is half past midnight. And there is that howl again.

Definitely a dog, you think.


Victorian Secret is a role-playing campaign that takes the World of Darkness into Victorian era London, circa 1886. I am the your host, Dances with Werewolves. Please keep your arms and legs inside the hansom cab as you never know when the locals may be hungry...

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