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1)You can kill Barret instead Airies. All you have to do is when Sepheroth is about to kill Airies press X,R1=O,triangle,sqaure, and x and they will switch places.

2)The R-E-A-L way to save Aeris. Tried and true, here's what you have to do. To save Aeris, you must have the BLACK MATERIA BEFORE you actually get it at the Temple! Here's how- At the beginning of the game, name cloud Storm. Progress through the game, making sure you have Aeris at level 99, with ALL her limit breaks, before it's time to go to the Temple of Ancients. Instead, head through the ice places and the glacier (where you would normally have gone AFTER Aeris died) Up to the crator in the north. Walk around the crator pressing search ( O ) to find the BLACK MAETERIA. Progress as normal from there, and at the battle with Sephiroth, where Aeris usually dies, you instead enter into battle with Sephiroth right away, and she doesn't die! This frees up more dialogue and such between Storm (cloud) and Aeris for the rest of the game. Have fun!

3)Zack's Stash- If you name Cloud Zack in the beginning of the game, and search the first box you find during the first mission 50 times, you get a bunch of stuff include K.O.T.R!

4)White Materia (Aeris's Materia) Can be found by golden chocobo on the beach of an island just west of the crator

5) Exchange the Highwind for the Tiny Bronco: Get the item Super Sweeper from the roller coaster game in the Gold Saucer. Note: You must do this before you lose Cloud temporarily. Go to Fort Condor, and give the Super Sweeper to the old man there. He will then give you the Tiny Bronco. Don’t worry it does fly

6) If you have 2 golden chocobos ( the easiest way is to make one and kill ruby weapon to get other ) mate these 2 golden chocobos with carob nut ( you must have both S rank ) And when you mate them you will get SILVER CHOCOBO which can dive underwater, with this you can dive to the crater in the ocean, when you go there youll get ALPHA LEVIATHAN or a weapon...

7)Get Xcalibur for Cloud; First of all you need to have cloud on level 99. You also need to have the Apocalypse sword found in the frog forest found nearby Cosmo Canyon. 1:st you need to go to clouds hometown Nibelheim. There you go to the Shinra Mansion and you go to the piano and press: X,X,Square,Square,X,X,Square,Square. 2:nd you go to the sleeping in the little cave near fort condor. He tells you many times you've fought or escaped(and he can tell you stuff to)but it even works then. You should have fought and won 777 times. When he says that you go out and fight what enemy you want and in the fight you try to get the 7777 fever(7777 hp with any character). 'Make sure its the character who gets this that kills the enemy. ' 3:rd you directly go to the place where Aeris died and you go to the place where there’s a hole in the fence. Cloud should now say some uninteresting stuff about him missing her. When he’s done this, you remove all materia from all weapons and you go down in the final cave where you should find a Black Dragon to fight against. You should only use physical attacks and limit breaks to defeat him. When you've done this you get an Xcalibur stone that you cant use anywhere. You should take it to the little house on the large west island. The house is located on the east side and you should see it on your way from Costa Del Sol to Cosmo Canyon. You go into the house and talk to the guy in the house. He talks a bit about some uninteresting stuff and the he walks up the stairs. He comes back and he gives you the Xcalibur sword which is better than the Ultima weapon. It has growth and it is more powerful. It is also far more good looking than the ultima weapon. The Xcalibur can be found in earlier games in the Final Fantasy series. Good luck.


1)Secret G.F. "CLOUD" To get "Cloud" take Irvine and Zell with Selphie to the missile base and avoid battle as long as possible until you have to fight the guards. You must have got the G.F. "Diablos" and his ability "Mug". Use this on the guards to get X-Potions but if you use this on the red guards then you will get an item that appears "????" in the inventory. Use this against BGH251F2 (the large blue Machine Boss) at the end and it will blow it up imediately. Kill the guards after the Boss and you will receive a "Buster Sword". This item summons "Cloud" from "Final Fantasy VII" (Who uses Omnislash on the enemy). Use this item on "Odin" when you fight him in the Shrine and when Seifer kills him at the end of disk 3 you will get the G.F. "Cloud" instead of "Gilgamesh". "Cloud's" attack is the brilliant "Omnislash" (he can't learn any abilties, so go back Timber and visit the Pet shop or the Item shop in Esthar to buy Ability Scrolls for him)

Obtaining GFs:2)Available at start:Quetzalcotl - Available at start:Shiva - Available at start:Ifrit - Defeat Ifrit in the Fire Cave

(Disc 1)Siren - Draw from Elvoret in the Dollet Communication Tower

(Disc 1)Diablos - Defeat Diablos using the Magical Lamp

(Anywhere)Brothers - Defeat Sacred & Minotaur in the Tomb of the Unknown King (Any disc)Carbuncle - Draw from Iguion in the Presidential Residence

(Disc 1)Leviathan - Draw from NORG in Balamb Garden Master Room

(Disc 2)Pandemona - Draw from Fujin in Balamb Hotel (Disc 2)Cerberus - Defeat Cerberus in Galbadia Garden

(Disc 2)Alexander - Draw from Edea in Galbadia Garden

(Disc 2)Doomtrain - Use Solomon Ring during battle

(Discs 3 & 4)Bahamut - Defeat Bahamut in the Deep Sea Research Facility

(Discs 3 & 4)Cactuar - Defeat Jumbo Cactuar on Cactuar Island (Discs 3 & 4)Tonberry - Defeat King Tonberry in the Centra Ruins after beating 20Tonberries.

(Discs 2 - 4)Eden - Draw from Ultima Weapon in the Deep Sea Deposit

(Discs 3 & 4)Boko - Catch a large chocobo in the chocobo forests, then use Gysahl Greens in battle.Phoenix - Use a Phoenix Pinion in battle, but keep a few Pinions spare after that!

Odin - Defeat him in the Centra Ruins. He will randomly come to your aid.

Gilgamesh - He will replace Odin on Disc 4.3)Answers to the seed test

Seed Test Answers



















