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Final Fantasy 8 Walktrough

Fire Cavern

Accompany Quistis to the Classroom. Once class has been dismissed, talk to Quistis and meet her at the Front Gate. Locate the Fire Cavern (east of Balamb Garden), talk to the Garden Faculty, and select a time limit. Find and defeat Ifrit within the chosen time limit and return to Balamb Garden. STRATEGY

Ifrit: 10 minutes should be more than enough time to complete your objective. Enter the cavern and proceed along the path. Ignore branches deviating from the main path and defeat any enemies you encounter as quickly as possible. Try to reach the opposite end of the path with at least 5 minutes to spare. Ifrit is weak against Ice. Dedicate one character to summoning Shiva repeatedly. In the meantime, have the other member of your party stock magic or draw and cast Cure as needed. If time is running short, have this character join the attack by casting Blizzard. [IFRIT joins your party + IFRIT CARD + 20 AP] NOTES Quezacotl and Shiva: Before you leave the Classroom, return to your seat and turn on the Study Panel. Select Tutorial and Guardian Forces QUEZACOTL and SHIVA will be added to your party. If you forego this opportunity, Quistis will add them to your party when you meet her at the Front Gate. Free cards: Talk to the person standing near the elevator in the 2F Hallway and he'll give you seven cards. ITEMS Occult Fan I: B-Garden Library (Examine the near end of the right-most of the bookshelves against the far wall.) MiniMog Card: Junior Classman (jogging in B-Garden Hall) Quistis Card: Trepe Groupie #1 (sitting in the B-Garden Cafeteria) Ifrit Card: (see STRATEGY, Ifrit) SeeD Field Exam Go to your room in the Dormitory and change into your uniform. Meet in the Hall and head for the Parking Lot. Drive to Balamb (west of Balamb Garden) and board the transport vessel. Go on deck when Seifer instructs you. Secure the Central Square: Follow Seifer through Dollet to the Central Square and defeat the G-Soldiers you encounter along the way. Find and defeat the G-Soldier hiding behind the roadblock in the far-right corner. Talk to Seifer and wait 'on standby' until the battle sounds begin. After the POV changes, approach Seifer. Secure the Communication Tower: Follow Seifer toward the Tower. Defeat the Anacondaur attacking the Dollet Soldier and follow Seifer to the cliff overlooking the Tower. Meet Selphie at the base of the Tower and follow Seifer inside. Take the lift, battle Biggs & Wedge, and defeat Elvoret. Assemble at the shore within the 30-minute time limit: Head for Lapin Beach. Escape from the X-ATM092 and proceed to the rendezvous. STRATEGY Biggs & Wedge and Elvoret: Biggs will be on his own at the start of the battle. Wedge will arrive after a short while has passed or immediately if you deplete Biggs' HP. There aren't significant benefits to waiting so lay into Biggs with your strongest GF and have your other characters begin stocking Esuna. When Wedge arrives, Biggs' HP will be completely restored. Have all three characters stock Esuna, stopping as needed to draw Cure from Wedge and cast it. When your stock is full, launch your attack. Once you've inflicted enough damage, Elvoret will arrive and blow the pair away. However, you won't receive the full reward at the end of the battle unless you deplete their HP simultaneously. A single fully-boosted attack from your strongest GF should finish them both, but you may want to play it safe and attack with a non-boosted GF to lower their HP a bit before delivering the final stroke. When Elvoret arrives, draw Siren immediately. Assault Elvoret with GF attacks until the battle is won, although you may want to stock up on Double first. [SIREN joins your party + WEAPONS MON MAR + 18 AP] X-ATM092: The X-ATM092 can't be destroyed. All you can do is knock it down and escape while it's temporarily disabled. Time will be precious so keep your encounters with the machine as brief and infrequent as possible. The X-ATM092 is weak against Thunder. If all you're interested in is escaping, the fastest way to cripple it is summoning and boosting Quezacotl. However, you may want to take this opportunity to earn a substantial chunk of AP. Begin by summoning Quezacotl and boosting the GF just shy of incapacitating the X-ATM092. Skip your other party members and summon Quezacotl again. Summon GFs with the other characters, but make sure neither arrives ahead of the Thunder GF. When Quezacotl appears, boost its attack to full strength. The Black Widow will begin repairing itself, but you'll have already taken about half its HP with two more GFs about to attack. Don't let up and you should be able to entirely deplete its HP. If you succeed, the X-ATM092 will right itself immediately with its HP suddenly restored. Knock it down again and make your escape to claim your reward. [50 AP] NOTES Evading the X-ATM092: It's possible to make it to the beach having fought it only once. After your initial encounter, head right and down the path. When the X-ATM092 arrives, push the controller in the direction you wish to go before releasing the text window. During the black-out as the next area loads, anticipate your move by aiming toward the upper-left and you should be able to slip under the machine as it leaps past you. Walk through the next area or you'll be stunned by the shaking earth then sprint for the bridge. You'll hear the X-ATM092 jump over you. Wait until you hear it land and cut back the other way. When you hear it jump again, immediately break for the beach and don't look back (but for the love of humanity, take a moment to save the dog). ITEMS Weapons Mon Mar: (see STRATEGY, Biggs & Wedge and Elvoret) SeeD Inauguration Return to Balamb Garden. Go to the Hall and approach Cid, Quistis and Xu. Find Seifer standing outside the Library and talk to him. Report to the 2F Hallway outside the Classroom and wait until you're called into the Headmaster's Office. Return to the hallway outside the Classroom. Go to your room, change into your SeeD uniform, and talk to Selphie to go to the Inauguration party. Go to your dorm room when Quistis instructs you and change into your normal clothes. Meet her in the Training Center and go to the 'secret area' on the far side of the Save Point. Head for the exit, defeat the Granaldo and three Raldos, and return to the Dormitory. STRATEGY Granaldo & Raldos: Cast Sleep on the Granaldo immediately (if you don't have any in stock, you can draw it from the Granaldo). It can't attack while it's sleeping and the Raldos won't attack you of their own accord until you defeat the Granaldo. This leaves you free to stock up on magic. As long as you re-cast Sleep on the Granaldo immediately after it wakes up, you should be able to keep it asleep and max out both characters' magic stocks without taking any damage. You may want to draw Protect from a Raldo and cast it on Squall and Quistis to minimize the damage from any physical attacks the Granaldo manages to squeeze in during its fleeting moments of consciousness. When you've had your fill, summon and boost your strongest GF. This should eliminate all the Raldos in a single blow. A second boosted GF should finish the battle. [14 AP] NOTES Battle Meter: Talk to Cid in his office after you've been dismissed from the SeeD Inauguration and he'll give you the BATTLE METER. Initially you'll only have access to the Battle Report but you'll be able to add new features later in the game. To access the Battle Meter, open the Tutorial from the Menu Screen, enter the Info Corner, and select Information. View the Battle Report to keep track of the distance you've walked, the number of battles you've been in, the number of battles you've won, and the number of times you've escaped. ITEMS Seifer Card: Cid (in the B-Garden Headmaster's Office) Zell Card: Ma Dincht (Visit the Dincht's and challenge her while Zell is in your party.) Timber Maniacs: Balamb Hotel (Go upstairs to the guestroom and you'll see it on the table right of the Save Point.) OR Balamb Station Yard (on the ground near the edge of the platform behind the signal) First Mission Meet by the Front Gate. After the meeting, talk to Cid and travel to Balamb. Approach the Station Staff standing at the entrance to Balamb Station, purchase a train ticket, and board the train to Timber. Pass through the security door, enter SeeD's private cabin, and approach Zell. Find the vehicle in Timber Forest and get in. After you arrive in Deling City, locate the Hotel and go into the Club. Talk to the hostess and ask for your usual table. Approach Julia and return to your table. Go to the front desk, ask the Receptionist about Julia's room, and talk to Julia. Approach the person on the foot of the steps to the train platform and give the password. Follow him aboard another train and enter the last room toward the front of the train. Once the princess is awake, talk to her and follow her to the rear of the train and into the briefing room. After the strategy meeting, exit the room and talk to Watts. Seize the President's car within the 5-minute time limit. Talk to Rinoa and defeat the Fake President/Gerogero. STRATEGY Fake President/Gerogero: Gerogero is an undead monster weak against Fire. Junction Fire magic to Elem-Atk. Begin by drawing Cure from the Fake President and casting it on members of your party until everyone has their maximum HP. Stock Cure if you need to then attack using your GFs (try to time it so Ifrit arrives last). Boost the first GF and it should be able to strike down the Fake President. The other GFs will arrive almost as soon as Gerogero reveals itself. Their attacks should lower the creature's HP to the point where a single boosted attack from Ifrit will win the battle (a precaution taken in case you get into trouble and need to end the fight quickly). Begin stocking magic, stopping immediately to draw Esuna and cast it on party members victimized by Gerogero's status attacks. When you're ready, summon Ifrit to put the abomination out of its misery. You may also consider attacking with curative magic to effect serious damage or using a life-restoring item to bring victory in a single turn. [20 AP] NOTES Seizing the President: Approach Rinoa, go to the end of the dummy car, and jump onto the 2nd escort car. Proceed across the roof of the 2nd escort car and approach Rinoa to jump onto the President's car. Uncouple the 1st escort car: successfully enter three codes and cross to the President's car. Uncouple the 2nd escort car: successfully enter five codes and return to the President's car. Diablos: Make sure Selphie is in your party when you use the Magical Lamp and enter the dimension where Diablos dwells to engage it in battle. Her Limit Break will be a crucial part of winning this fight. Diablos will attack you with two types of magic. Demi depletes 1/4 of one character's HP and Gravija lowers the HP of every member of your party by 3/4. Neither attack will KO your characters directly, but Diablos can easily finish the job with very strong physical attacks. Begin the battle by having everyone stock Demi. This magic will probably be the strongest attack available to you and there are two good reasons to hang onto it instead of casting it. Firstly, it's very difficult to draw and your attempts may frequently fail. The advantage of stocking is each successful draw should yield several Demi. Secondly, each time you cast Demi from your own personal stock, Diablos will counter by casting Curaga on you! When your HP run low, cast Demi and Diablos will fully restore you. If a character in jeopardy hasn't managed to stock any Demi, summon a GF for protection. Each GF should be able to handle Diablos' physical attack and Demi and Gravija do damage based on the character's HP not the GF's (meaning low character HP equals minor damage to the GF). While you wait for the GF, select a character to stand by with a full ATB gauge. When the GF's attack begins, cast Cure on the ravaged summoner (doing so any sooner risks increasing the damage taken by the GF). Once out of danger, you should have your character continue the healing process or resume stocking Demi. If Diablos uses Gravija to bring down everyone's HP simultaneously, there won't be a character healthy enough to stand by and assist a party member stranded without Demi. Instead, wait for Selphie's ATB gauge to fill and skip to a character that can cast Demi. Selphie should be within Limit Break range. Use the time it takes for Demi to take effect to get her Full-cure magic. Keep a watchful eye on Diablos' HP. When victory is in reach, shift into assault mode and use physical attack to finish the battle. [DIABLOS joins your party + DIABLOS CARD + 20 AP] ITEMS Weapons Mon Apr: Dormitory Single (on the desk the morning after Squall gets his new dorm room) Pet Pals Vol.1: Train [to Timber] (Enter SeeD's private cabin, approach Zell and he'll find it.) Pet Pals Vol.2: Forest Owls' Base (on the sofa bed in Rinoa's room after the strategy meeting) Diablos Card: (see NOTES, Diablos) Angelo Card: Watts (in the Forest Owls' Base) Timber TV Station Talk to Rinoa, exit the briefing room, and talk to Watts. Locate the Timber TV Station: Locate the Timber Pub and defeat the G-Soldiers outside. Enter the Pub, approach the Drifter, and convince him to move. Use the back door, proceed to the TV Station, and follow Seifer backstage. Find Rinoa and Quistis near the outdoor TV and follow them down the stairs and into the Pub. Follow the woman to her residence. Talk to Quistis and follow everyone downstairs. Head for the near side of the room until Quistis addresses you and exit the house. NOTES Locating the Timber TV Station: Before he left, Watts suggested you head for Timber Maniacs. Go right and you'll see it. The person standing near the steps will recommend you consult the woman next door. She'll tell you about the alley behind her house and send you to the Pub. Exit her house, go right, and take the far stairs. Enter the Pub and go out the back door to get to the alley. Go left and you'll see the stairs to the TV Station. Moving the Drifter: You have to get on his drunken good side to get the Drifter out of your way. There are two ways to do this. One is buying him a drink. The Pub offers six types of booze and only one will purge his urge. Drinks are either bitter or sweet and bear red, green or yellow labels. Talk to the patron to learn how to distinguish the drinks. Talk to the woman at the bar to find out if the Drifter prefers bitter or sweet. Approach the Drifter and observe him to find out if he's enjoying his beverage and see the color of its label. Approach him again, talk to him, and buy him another round of what he's drinking. It'll cost you 100 Gil but he'll give you a FORBIDDEN CARD in return. The second option is returning his stolen card. Approach him, talk to him and tell him about the Buel Card you recovered from the G-Soldiers outside. In gratitude, he'll let you keep the card and give you a TONBERRY CARD as well. Owl's Tear OR 500 Gil: Enter the Residence near the Dollet Train Platform and talk to the old man. Tell him you like beverages and he'll invite you to drink Owl's Tear from his faucet. Examine it to drink and fully restore your party. If almighty cash is a higher priority, check the cupboard until you find the old man's secret savings. He'll revoke your faucet privileges, but you'll earn 500 Gil. Free Potions: The guy that sometimes appears on the walkway over the train tracks has a thing for Rinoa. As long as she's in your party, he'll give you a Potion when you talk to him. After the TV broadcast, he develops a similar thing for Quistis. ITEMS Girl Next Door: Editorial Department [Timber Maniacs] (Examine the rear-most of the two stacks of magazines next to the Information counter.) Pet Pals Vol.3/Vol.4: Timber Pet Shop Timber Maniacs: Editorial Department [Timber Maniacs] (Enter the far room and you'll see it on the floor on the right side of the room. Walk between the table and the desk to get to it.) Galbadia Garden Go to the Dollet Train Platform and board the train. Pass through the security door and return to the first compartment. Talk to Zell, leave him alone, and get off the train. Enter the forest west of East Academy Station. Head for the entrance to the Excavation Site and defeat the Esthar Soldiers you encounter as you approach the fork in the catwalk. Make your way to the cliff at the far side of the Site and defeat the Esthar Soldiers you encounter there. Go to Galbadia Garden (west of the forest), locate the 2F Reception Room, and talk to Zell. Talk to every person in the room and approach the area on the far side of the coffee table. Head for the lower level of the Hall, find Quistis by the Front Gate, and talk to her. Follow Quistis to the meeting place and talk to Rinoa. Talk to Rinoa, Zell, Selphie or Quistis after the meeting. NOTES Tampering with the Excavation Site: Go right at the fork in the catwalk at the entrance to the Site and climb down the ladder. Proceed along the path until you reach an area with materials piled in the lower-right corner. Approach the pile and pick up the Old Key. Head left until you reach an area with three hatches on the ground. Examine the center hatch and tamper with the loose lever. Go right and the hatch will drop open under a pursuing Esthar Soldier. Return to the area, examine the right hatch and attempt to tamper with the lever. Go back to the entrance and take the left fork in the catwalk. Proceed until you reach another ladder and climb down. Approach the area on the far side of the barrier against the left wall, pick up the other Old Key and proceed to the area with the three hatches. Examine the left hatch, attempt to tamper with it and return to the entrance again. Go right at the fork and proceed to the area with the pile of materials. Go up until you reach an area with a detonator on the ground. Approach it and press the red switch. The furthest boulder will roll into a hole and the impact will knock open the left hatch. Approach the detonator again and press the blue switch. The nearest boulder will roll away and plug the hole, jarring the right hatch open. Go up and proceed along the path until you reach an area with a boulder against the left wall. Push it out of the way to reveal a Cure Draw Point. Solving this puzzle isn't mandatory but doing so will yield significant rewards later in the game. OPTIONAL QUESTS: Dollet Tomb of the Unknown King Go to Galbadia Far East Station (west of Galbadia Garden). Talk to the Station Staff and board the train to Deling City. Attempt to exit the train, follow Irvine through the security door, and return to the first compartment. After the train arrives, go to the top of the Galbadia Station escalator. Talk to a member of your party and head for Caraway's Mansion. Talk to Caraway's Guard standing outside the Mansion and leave Deling City. Retrieve the lost student's ID number: Locate the Tomb of the Unknown King (northeast of Deling City). Enter the Tomb and proceed until you find a sword lying on the ground. Examine it and return to Deling City. Talk to Caraway's Guard and give him the ID number. NOTES Brothers: Before you leave the Tomb of the Unknown King, you'll have an opportunity to expand your roster of GFs. After you've obtained the ID number, make your way to Sacred's chamber. Go right, left, right, left, right and straight. Examine the statue and battle Sacred. Sacred is weak against Wind. Junction Wind magic to Elem-Atk. Sacred uses physical attacks and will regularly regenerate HP as long as it's in contact with the ground. Begin by drawing Protect from Sacred and casting it on every member of your party to reduce the damage of its attacks. Stock up on magic and for the moment ignore the fact that the creature is recovering. When you're ready to attack cast Float on Sacred to cut it off from its source of strength. Sacred will run away when it receives significant damage. You won't get the full reward for defeating the beast unless you completely drain its HP. Summon your two strongest GFs and plan their arrival to be nearly simultaneous. Leave the first GF unboosted. Your objective will be to bring Sacred just within range for your second and fully-boosted GF to finish the job. [20 AP] Leave Sacred's chamber, go straight, right, left, right, left, right and straight. Unhook the chain across the floodgate from the right side to fill the moat around the inner tomb. Leave the chamber, go straight, right, left, right, left, right and straight. Remove the cog from the left side of the doorway to drop the drawbridge. Leave the chamber, go straight twice, right and left twice. Enter the inner tomb and approach Sacred to engage the Brothers. Use tactics similar to those employed during the previous battle. Draw and cast protect on your party, draw magic, and cast Float on Sacred and Minotaur. Barrage them with GF attacks to win the fight. [Brothers join your party + SACRED CARD + MINOTAUR CARD + 40 AP] ITEMS Sacred Card: (see NOTES, Brothers) Minotaur Card: (see NOTES, Brothers) Timber Maniacs: Deling City Hotel (Pay 100 Gil to stay in the guestroom and you'll see it on the floor under the far corner of the middle bed.) Assassination Enter Caraway's Mansion, talk to Rinoa, and wait for General Caraway to arrive. Follow General Caraway through Deling City to the Gateway and talk to him. Report to Caraway's Mansion. Gateway Team: Exit the Mansion. Sniper Team: Follow General Caraway to the Gateway, talk to him, and follow him to your position in front of the Presidential Residence. Gateway Team: Return to Caraway's Mansion. Rinoa: Make your way onto the roof of the Presidential Residence and talk to Edea. Gateway Team: Escape from Caraway's Mansion and make your way through the Sewer. Sniper Team: Follow Irvine through the crowd and head for the roof of the Presidential Residence. Climb onto the balcony and enter the residence. Proceed to Edea's room and defeat the Iguions attacking Rinoa. Go to the clock tower and pick up the sniper rifle. Gateway Team: Proceed through the sewer to the top floor of the Gateway. Walk around 'on standby' until 20:00 and operate the control console on Zell's mark. Sniper Team: Defeat Seifer and battle Edea. STRATEGY Iguions: The Iguions are weak against Earth and immune to Fire. Begin by immediately drawing Carbuncle. Stock up on magic, restoring your HP as needed and drawing Esuna from the creatures to remove the Petrifying status caused by their Magma Breath attack. Finish them both in a single attack by summoning your strongest GF (Ifrit excepted). [Carbuncle joins your party + 20 AP] Seifer & Edea: Seifer is weak against Poison. Junction Bio to Elem-Atk. He uses physical attacks and can cast Fira. Edea can cast Firaga, Blizzaga and Thundaga. Your best defense will be to maximize your resistance to Fire, Ice and Thunder magic all at once by junctioning Life and/or Protect to Elem-Def. Squall will be alone during the battle with Seifer. Stock up on the magic he carries and mug him if you can. You could reduce this fight to a gunblade slugfest and still walk away with the victory or you could summon your strongest GF a few times to humiliate Seifer in a hurry. For the fight with Edea, dedicate the character with Carbuncle to summoning the GF on a full-time basis. With Reflect in place, Edea will spend most of her time casting Dispel. Use the other members of your party to stock up on magic from and mug the Sorceress. When you're ready to move on, have the party member that was busy summoning Carbuncle switch to stocking magic, one of the fully-stocked characters switch to medic detail, and the remaining person repeatedly summon GFs. [20 AP] NOTES Getting onto the roof of the Presidential Residence: Climb the boxes stacked in and around the vehicle parked outside the Residence and you'll jump onto the building. Proceed along the ledge, climb the ladder and climb onto the roof. Escaping from Caraway's Mansion: Approach the painting on the right side of the room. The woman is holding a goblet in her right hand. Take a glass from the shelves on the left side of the room and approach the statue in the upper-left corner. Place the glass in the statue's hands and take the secret passage. ITEMS Weapons Mon May: Deling City Sewer (Approach the manhole cover to the right of the vehicle parked outside the Presidential Residence and check it. Climb down the ladder and proceed left through the Sewer until you find it lying on the ground.) Galbadia D-District Prison Go to the Pub and talk to Kiros. Patrol the village: Go to the opposite end of Winhill and return to the Pub. Go upstairs and report to Raine. Go to your room and rest. Talk to Rinoa. After the Warden interrogates Squall, talk to Quistis and go to Floor 8. Approach the Guards and defeat them. Defeat Biggs & Wedge and find Squall in the torture chamber on Floor 13. Go to the arm control room and push the red button on the main panel. Proceed through the basement and open the door. Zell: Head toward the down staircase. Squall's Party: Select a third party member and head for Floor 13. Irvine's Party: Head for Floor 3. Squall's Party: Proceed to the exit on the top floor and defeat an Elite Soldier and two GIM52As. Head for the structure on the opposite side of the bridge. Talk to Selphie and select your party. Board the train to Balamb Garden. STRATEGY Biggs & Wedge: Both are vulnerable to a number of status effects. Consider junctioning Drain or Zombie to ST-Atk. Begin by drawing Slow from Biggs and casting it on both your enemies and drawing Haste from him and casting it on your entire party (you may also wish to draw Protect from Wedge and cast it on your party members). Fill your stock of the magic they're carrying and mug them for items. When you're ready, beat them down with unrelenting attacks. If you wish to be extra cruel, afflict both men with Zombie, draw Regen and Haste from Biggs, and cast both on your enemies. Sit back and watch them perish without any further effort or be merciful and use revival items to put them out of their collective misery. [10 AP] NOTES Moombas: You can make your break from Galbadia D-District Prison a bit easier by befriending these odd creatures. Your first opportunity comes when a Moomba is being punished for dropping a tray. Stop the Mean Guy from beating the Moomba and it'll follow you. When you reach Floor 13 during your search for Squall, the Moomba will take you to the torture chamber and open the door. Inside, talk to it and it'll offer to make a shortcut (remove the block between the up and down staircases) on Floor 10, 11 or 12. When you return to Floor 13 during your escape, talk to the Moomba and it'll give you a Cottage. Your other opportunity occurs during the Warden's interrogation of Squall. If you respond with '...Just let me die', the Moombas will release Squall from the device and gather outside the torture chamber. When you reach Floor 13, approach the Moomba nearest the door and it'll let you into the chamber. Inside, talk to the Moombas and they'll offer to make two shortcuts for you, one on Floor 2, 3 or 4 and the other on Floor 5, 6 or 9. When you return to Floor 13 during your escape, talk to the Moomba and it'll give you a Rename Card. If you're not the type to make friends with animals, you'll have to manage without the shortcuts and items. You'll be on your own during your search for Squall and you'll find the door to the torture chamber locked. Try to force it open then defeat a series of attacking enemies and you'll find the key. Prison cells: After you defeat Biggs & Wedge and the alarms go off, many of the prison cell doors will be unlocked. During your search for Squall, consider taking advantage of what the prison has to offer. You'll find several items and prisoners willing to play cards with you for money (if you win, they'll give you a random item). Floor 1: You'll find a hidden Save Point in the left cell and COMBAT KING 001 in the right cell. Floor 2: You'll find a PET NAMETAG in the left cell and a STR UP in the right cell. Floor 3: You'll find a PET HOUSE in the right cell. Floor 4: You'll find a TENT in the left cell. Floor 5: In the right cell, you'll find a prisoner willing to play cards for 500 Gil per game. Floor 8: In the left cell, you'll find a Man from Garden running a Shop from inside the pokey. Floor 9: You'll find a Berserk Draw Point in the right cell. Floor 10: You'll find a Save Point in the left cell. In the right cell, you'll find a prisoner willing to play cards for 300 Gil per game. If you beat him, he'll upgrade your Battle Meter to include the CHARACTER REPORT (showing kills and KOs for each character). Floor 11: In the left cell, you'll find a prisoner willing to play cards for 200 Gil per game. You'll find a Thundaga Draw Point in the right cell. ITEMS Combat King 001: (see NOTES, Prison cells) Galbadia Missile Base Drive the Galbadian Army vehicle to Galbadia Missile Base (west of Galbadia D-District Prison). Enter the building and examine the ID card reader to the right of Door 3. Go to Area M-7 and talk to the Maintenance Soldier on the left. Go to Area M-6, enter the missile launcher bay, and deliver the message to the far soldier. Return to Area M-7 and deliver the response to the soldier on the left. Go to Area M-3, enter the circuit room, approach the control panel, and cause a power failure. Find the Guard outside the launcher bay, play it cool and offer to help*. Get between the two soldiers and push the launcher into place. Find the missile control panel outside the launcher bay and log in. Select 'Target', select 'Set error ratio', set the error ratio to maximum, select 'Data upload', upload the data and log out. Go to the control room and defeat the Base Leader and two Base Soldiers. Examine either of the control panels on the far and right sides of the room and talk to the party member at the launch control mechanism on the left side of the room. Enter the far room, find the self-destruct mechanism on the panel on the left side of the room and set a time limit. Head for the front gate and defeat the BGH251F2 and its crew within the time limit. Head toward the gate, toward the building and back toward the gate. STRATEGY BGH251F2: If you made it to the control room without being detected, you shouldn't need to set the self-destruct mechanism to greater than 10 minutes. If you blew your cover, consider tacking on an extra 10 minutes. The Iron Clad is a machine weak against Thunder and Water. Junction Thunder magic or Water to ST-Atk. Your biggest challenge won't be destroying the tank, rather bringing its HP to 0 before its crew loses control of it. If you fail to do so, you won't receive any AP at the end of the battle. The BGH251F2 uses very powerful physical attacks. Begin by drawing Protect and casting it on your entire party. Summon and boost Quezacotl to maximum and have the remaining members of your party use physical attacks. Carefully note the amount of damage inflicted by each attack as you'll need the information later. Cast Scan to learn the BGH251F2's current and maximum HP. The tank will explode and careen out of control when its HP fall to approximately 20% of maximum. Your goal should be to reduce the Iron Clad to just under 25%. Use Quezacotl to hack off large chunks of HP and have your other party members stock magic. When you're close to your objective, use physical attacks to fine tune the BGH251F2's HP (keeping in mind the potential for a critical hit). The tank should be within range of Quezacotl's attack. If you have significant time remaining, draw and stock magic before calling the Thunder GF. Have your other characters begin summoning their strongest GFs in preparation for the upcoming battle with the crew, taking care to ensure their arrival doesn't precede Quezacotl's. There will be little margin for error as you boost Quezacotl. One mistake will cost you your reward. When the crew bails out aflame, they'll be greeted by a hasty doom courtesy of your other two GFs. [WEAPONS MON JUN + 20 AP] NOTES * Remaining undiscovered: As long as you refrain from fighting the Maintenance Team and help the Guard, you should be able to keep your identity secret. If the temptation to do violence or run away gets the best of you and you're found out, you'll have to go about your remaining objectives in a slightly different order. Bypass the launcher bay and head directly to the control room. Defeat the enemies, find the launch control mechanism and set the self-destruct mechanism. Head for the exit until Selphie decides to go back. Make your way to Area M-6 and talk to the Wounded Soldier lying at the foot of the stairs to the control room. Go to the missile control panel and enter the password. Change the error ratio, upload the data and head for the front gate. ITEMS Weapons Mon Jun: (see STRATEGY, BGH251F2) Secret of Balamb Garden Head for the Hall and search for the Headmaster on the first floor until you see Xu running up the steps to the elevator. Track her down at the far end of the 2F Hallway, follow her to the third floor, and enter the Headmaster's Office. After Cid collapses talk to him and head for the elevator. Examine the button panel, open the hatch in the floor, and climb down the ladder. Make your way through the MD Level and defeat the Oilboyles. Proceed to the far end of the MD Level, approach the control system, and turn the ignition. Talk to Cid and offer to check on the others. Go to the Deck on the second floor and return to the Headmaster's Office. Meet a Garden Faculty member near the Directory and report to the Master Room on level B1. Walk down the steps and talk to Cid. Follow the Garden Faculty member to the left and defeat NORG. Go to the Infirmary, tell Dr. Kadowaki you need to see Cid, and enter the recovery room. Meet Xu near the Directory and head for the Deck. Find Ellone sitting on the far side of the Library. STRATEGY Oilboyles: These creatures are weak against Fire and vulnerable to Sleep. Junction Fire magic to Elem-Atk and Sleep to ST-Atk. This battle won't be very difficult. The Oilboyles have an attack called Oil Shot that can cause Darkness but they'll have few if any chances to use it. Begin by putting both Oilboyles to sleep. Stock up on magic while they blissfully snore. When you've filled your stock, summon Ifrit to burn them extra-tasty crispy. While you wait for the GF, use the other members of your party to mug the slick slugs if you wish. [20 AP] NORG: Balamb Garden's Master is weak against Wind. Junction Wind magic to Elem-Atk. NORG can use a variety of both elemental and status magic. Strengthen your resistance by junctioning Life and Shell to Elem-Def and Reflect and Esuna to ST-Def. At the beginning of the battle, NORG will attack you from inside the NORG Pod. You'll have to breach its hull before you can attack him. The Pod gets its magic power from its two Orbs. The color of each Orb shifts from blue to yellow to red at it readies itself to cast magic. Physical attacks will counteract the charging process. Dedicate one member of your party exclusively to attacking (preferably mugging) the Orbs and keeping them blue. This should render NORG harmless as you stock up on magic from all three Pod parts. When your stockers have finished, summon Carbuncle to endow your party members with Reflect in preparation for your imminent tussle with NORG. Have the other members of your party summon their strongest GFs (excepting Quezacotl as the Pod is strong against Thunder). Once NORG is exposed, quickly reassign your characters. Have your ex-stockers split their attention between drawing magic from NORG and assuming Pod vigil duty while the former attacker starts stocking magic from NORG and the Orbs. Draw Leviathan from NORG as soon as possible. If you don't, NORG could quite literally magic himself to death with attacks reflected off your party before you get the chance. Have the other take over vigil duty. When you're ready to stick it to the bloated Shumi, summon your strongest GFs to put him in his place. [Leviathan joins your party + 20 AP] NOTES Declaring your allegiance: Maintain your loyalty to Cid and you'll be well-rewarded. Your first chance to assert yourself will occur when a Garden Faculty member stops you on your way to the Hall. Refuse to swear allegiance to Master NORG and you'll be attacked. Defeat the monsters and you'll find a SeeD candidate lying near the Reception booth in the Hall. Talk to him and he'll give you a MEGA-POTION. Your devotion will continue to be challenged as you search for the Headmaster. Confront the NORG loyalists and defeat their minions to receive assistance from the Cid supporters under attack in each area of the first floor. [Infirmary: ELIXIR/Quad: X-POTION/Cafeteria: GYSAHL GREENS/Parking Lot: TENT/Training Center: REMEDY/Library: MEGA PHOENIX (if Zell is in your party) or REMEDY (if not)] Navigating the MD Level: After you climb down the ladder in the elevator shaft open the hatch at the opposite end of the corridor, proceed until you reach a ladder, climb down, and go through the door on the opposite side of the chamber. Open the valve, return to the previous chamber, climb down the ladder, proceed to the far end of the walkway, and climb up the ladder. Examine the control panel on the right side of the room, climb back down the ladder, open the gate with the flashing green light, and climb down the ladder. Throw the lever, proceed along the walkway, defeat the Oilboyles, head for the ladder in the distance, climb down, and proceed to the control system. Fishermans Horizon Report to the Headmaster's Office. Leave Balamb Garden via the Deck and locate the Mayor's Residence in the middle of the city. Go upstairs and speak with Mayor Dobe. Head for the Residential Area outside the Station Yard and approach the confrontation between the soldier and the Mayor. Defeat the Galbadian Soldiers, destroy the BGH251F2, and return to Balamb Garden. Go to the Quad, find Selphie near the stage, and talk to her. Assign instruments to Zell, Irvine, Selphie and Quistis. Leave your dorm room and talk to Rinoa. Talk to Irvine and head for the Festival Grounds outside the Mayor's Residence. After the concert begins go right and examine the magazine on the ground. STRATEGY BGH251F2: Use the skirmish with the Galbadian Soldiers to top up your HP and supply of the various types of magic they carry. The BGH251F2 is a machine weak against Thunder and Water. Junction Thunder magic or Water to Elem-Atk. Your tactics for this battle should be very similar to those you used during your last encounter with the Iron Clad. The tank was severely damaged by the battle and subsequent explosion at the Galbadia Missile Base, rendering its attacks limp at best. Try to steal an Adamantine before you destroy it with your strongest GF attacks. [20 AP] NOTES Master Fisherman: You'll be crossing an enormous crane as you head into Fishermans Horizon. Immediately after you step off it be on the lookout for a ladder leading to a lower level. If you climb down and proceed left through the Factory you'll find the Master Fisherman sitting on the end of another crane. Talk to him and he'll give you OCCULT FAN III. Talk to him again and he'll ask you to go the docks and talk to his pupil. Find the Fisherkid casting from a boat near the FH Junk Shop and talk to him. Tell him you 'sort of' like fishing and he'll demonstrate his inaptitude for angling. Talk to him again, tell him you've seen his master, and say you were 'sort of...impressed.' Talk to him a third time and he'll nearly strangle the Shopkeeper with a bungled cast. Return to the docks after you destroy the BGH251F2 and talk to the Fisherkid one more time. He'll cast properly at last and ask you to tell his master. Return to the Factory and talk to the Master Fisherman. He'll ask you to meet him at the inn. Head for the FH Hotel and go upstairs to the guestroom. After he finishes his story keep him company a bit longer, follow him to the FH Junk Shop, and talk to the Shopkeeper. Talk to the Master Fisherman and he'll give you a MEGALIXIR. Grease Monkey: After you destroy the BGH251F2, stop by the residence on the right side of the tracks in the Residential Area. Talk to Grease Monkey and he'll express his admiration for your battle prowess. Grab the issue of TIMBER MANIACS lying on the floor. After you meet up with Irvine on your way back to the Garden, return to Grease Monkey's residence and you'll walk in on a Galbadian Soldier hounding Grease Monkey to fix the demolished BGH251F2. Approach the soldier and step outside. When you go back in, you'll discover the soldier has chickened out. Talk to the Grease Monkey and he'll give you a MEGA PHOENIX. ITEMS Occult Fan III: FH Factory (see NOTES, Master Fisherman) Quezacotl Card: Mayor Dobe (sitting upstairs in the FH Mayor's Residence) Timber Maniacs (2): FH Residence [Grease Monkey] (see NOTES, Grease Monkey) and FH Hotel (see NOTES, Master Fisherman) Occupied Balamb Report to the bridge in the Headmaster's Office, talk to Nida, and tell him you're ready to go. Pilot the Garden to Balamb (north of Fishermans Horizon), disembark, and enter the town. Talk to the Galbadian Soldier standing near the gas station and walk around nearby until he questions you. Go to The Dincht's and enter the room on the right. Head for the Hotel, talk to the Galbadian Soldiers standing outside, and find the Captain. Return to the Hotel, defeat Raijin and two G-Soldiers outside, and defeat Fujin & Raijin inside. STRATEGY Fujin & Raijin: Both are weak against Poison and vulnerable to Sleep. Junction Bio to Elem-Atk and Sleep to ST-Atk. In the first part of this battle, Raijin will attack you with two G-Soldiers in support. Begin by putting Raijin to sleep. Eliminate one of the G-Soldiers and consider putting the other to sleep, sparing him in case you need to draw curative magic to restore your HP. Consider drawing Protect from Raijin and casting it on your entire party as a precautionary measure against any attacks should Raijin unexpectedly wake up. Summon your strongest GFs (excepting Quezacotl as Raijin absorbs Thunder) and you should be able to win without waking anyone up. The second phase of this battle moves inside the Hotel, where Raijin is joined by his Wondertwin buddy Fujin. Begin by afflicting both with Sleep. Immediately draw Pandemona from Fujin. Draw from Raijin and cast Reflect on your party. Stock up on magic and mug them both before you send in your GFs to win the fight. [Pandemona joins your party + COMBAT KING 002 + 20 AP] NOTES: Finding the Captain: The soldiers outside the Hotel will tell you the Captain is currently on patrol. Head for the docks at the end of the Harbor and talk to the crouching soldier. He'll tell you he's looking for a scent for the dog to go by. Talk to the soldier with the dog and he'll tell you the Captain was just fishing there and was eager to eat his catch. Go to the only kitchen in town, at The Dincht's. Talk to Ma Dincht and she'll tell you the whole room smells of fish. Return to the end of the Harbor and give the scent to the dog. Follow the dog to the Station Yard and the Captain will run out of the train. Big Bad Rascal: Before you confront Fujin and Raijin, go to the Residence neighboring The Dincht's and talk to the Hotel Owner's daughter. During one of your visits to The Dincht's, talk to Big Bad Rascal twice and he'll go next door to check on her. Return to the Hotel Owner's Residence during your search for the Captain and talk to Big Bad Rascal. Follow him to the gate and distract the soldier while Big Bad Rascal talks to the Hotel Owner. Meet Big Bad Rascal outside the Hotel Owner's Residence and talk to him. Talk to him again and he'll offer to create a diversion at the gate if you want to sneak out of town. ITEMS Combat King 002: Hotel (Defeat Fujin and Raijin.) Pandemona Card: Residence [Hotel Owner] (If you help Big Bad Rascal at the gate and return to the Hotel Owner's Residence, you can win this card from the Hotel Owner's daughter.) OPTIONAL QUESTS: Dollet, Deling City, Timber, Winhill Village, Shumi Village, Chocobo Forests, Centra Ruins Trabia Garden Pilot the Garden to Trabia (northeast of Balamb), disembark, and go to Trabia Garden. Follow Selphie over the wall, locate the basketball court, and attempt to leave the area. Follow everyone to the beach and approach the group. Follow Irvine into the next room. Talk to Irvine, then Quistis, then Selphie. Approach Rinoa. ITEMS Weapons Mon Aug: Front Gate (Examine the ground '5 steps south of the gargoyle statue.')Selphie Card: Selphie's Friend (You'll find her sitting under the gargoyle statue at the Front Gate. Return to Trabia Garden after your initial visit and challenge her to a game of cards.) Timber Maniacs: Cemetery (on the ground left of the center-most headstones) OPTIONAL QUESTS: Dollet, Deling City, Timber, Winhill Village, Shumi Village, Chocobo Forests, Centra Ruins Clash of the Gardens Pilot the Garden to southwestern Centra (northwest of Trabia Garden) and engage Galbadia Garden (hovering over the western forest of Lenown Plains). Give orders, use the lift to go down, and talk to Quistis. Select your party and head for the Quad. Find Zell on the far side of the Quad and approach him. Talk to Rinoa and return to the bridge. Zell's Party: Head for the extreme left side of the Quad and find Squall near the Front Gate. Squall's Party: Select your party, go to the Classroom, and defeat the Paratroopers. Talk to the SeeD caring for the junior classmen and meet Dr. Kadowaki in the Headmaster's Office. Head for the second floor, find the missing junior classman at the far end of the 2F Hallway, and talk to him. When a Paratrooper attacks you, examine the emergency exit and look around for another option. Examine it again and press the button. Defeat the Paratrooper and head for the Back Entrance to Galbadia Garden. Obtain the three Card Keys, take the second floor elevator to the Master Room, and approach Seifer and Edea. Defeat Seifer, head for the Auditorium, and approach the stage. Defeat Seifer & Edea. STRATEGY Seifer: Seifer is weak against Poison and vulnerable to Drain. Junction Bio to Elem-Atk and Drain to ST-Atk. Seifer uses physical attacks and Fire-based magic. Junction Fire magic to Elem-Def. Begin by drawing Haste from Seifer and casting it on your party. Draw from his stock of magic, healing members of your party as needed. Mug him if you wish and finish him off with strong GFs or physical attacks. [20 AP] Seifer & Edea: Prepare for your fight with Seifer as you did in the previous battle. Edea is vulnerable to Sleep. Junction Sleep to ST-Atk. The Sorceress can cast Death. Junction Death to ST-Def. Seifer's power has increased but his HP are lower. Deal with him as before and keep a close watch over his HP. Before you deliver the final blow, allow everyone's ATB gauge to fill up. Decide which character will use a GF attack and dedicate the other two to preparing for the ensuing battle with Edea. Use the time during the GF's attack to cast Sleep with both remaining members of your party. You'll have good chance of forcing a killer catnap on Edea before she even registers Seifer's defeat. Draw Alexander and summon Carbuncle immediately. Should she wake, she'll want to use magic. If your party has Reflect, she'll spend her time casting Dispel on your party or Reflect on herself (allowing her to attack you by bouncing magic off herself). Cut her off by re-casting Sleep and undoing her mischief. Stock up on magic as the Sorceress slumbers. When you're ready, assault her with strong attack magic and GFs. [Alexander joins your party + 50 AP] NOTES Finding the three Card Keys: After you enter Galbadia Garden, take the hallway on the right and head for the stairs on the right. Go to the second floor, head left, and enter the dorm room on the right. Talk to the Male Student and he'll give you Card Key 1. Return to the hallway near the Back Entrance and take the left hallway. Unlock the door on the left and enter the Gymnasium. Head for the far side of the hockey rink, take the door on the right, and enter the classroom on the right. Talk to the Male Student and he'll give you Card Key 2. Exit the classroom, unlock the door (implied) at the near end of the hallway, enter the next hallway, and proceed to the hallway near the Back Entrance. Take the hallway on the right and head for the stairs on the right. Go to the third floor, unlock the door at the top of the stairs and enter the Stand. Go to the bottom of the steps and you'll jump down to the Athletic Track. Head left, proceed to the Hall, take the lower-left hallway, and enter the left classroom. Talk to the Female Student and she'll give you Card Key 3. Return to the Hall, take the upper-left hallway, and go up the stairs to the second floor. Head left to the Elevator Hall and unlock the elevator. Cerberus: Cerberus stands basking in a beam of light in the center of the lower level of G-Garden Hall. It's vulnerable to Drain. Junction Drain to ST-Atk. Cerberus can use a variety of both elemental and status magic. Fortify yourself by junctioning Life and Shell to Elem-Def and Reflect and Esuna to ST-Def. Approach the beast to engage it in battle. Cerberus' primary threat is its tendency to cast Triple on itself. Begin by stocking the magic carried by this hell-hound. Never commit any more than two party members at a time to this activity. Always leave the third member of your party with a full ATB gauge in case Cerberus casts Triple. As soon as it does, use your character-in-waiting to cast Dispel. When you're ready to initiate your attack, mug Cerberus and summon your strongest GFs (excepting Quezacotl and Pandemona), again never committing your entire party to the attack at the same time. [Cerberus joins your party + CERBERUS CARD + 30 AP] ITEMS Cerberus Card: (see NOTES, Cerberus) OPTIONAL QUESTS: Dollet, Deling City, Timber, Winhill Village, Shumi Village, Chocobo Forests, Centra Ruins White SeeD Ship Leave Balamb Garden and head for Edea's House (at the tip of the Cape of Good Hope southwest of the forest). Enter the house, take the doorway on the right to the Backyard, and approach Cid and Edea. After Edea speaks, talk to her and attempt to leave the area. After Squall's announcement, go to the recovery room in the Infirmary. Escape from the Ruby Dragon. When Kiros arrives, engage and defeat the Ruby Dragon. Leave Balamb Garden and go to Edea's House. Find Edea in the Backyard and talk to her. Return to the Garden and locate the White SeeD Ship (in an inlet in the western half of Centra Crater north of Edea's House). Head for the ship's stern and find the White SeeD Leader in the cabin below deck. After you give him Edea's introduction letter, talk to him. STRATEGY Ruby Dragon: Ruby Dragons are weak against Ice and vulnerable to Sleep. Junction Ice magic to Elem-Atk and Sleep to ST-Atk. Begin by afflicting the dragon with Sleep and stocking up on magic. When you're finished, attack with Ice magic, Shiva and Alexander. Use a Sleep-junctioned attack whenever the dragon wakes up. [14 AP] ITEMS Weapons Mon Jul: B-Garden Training Center (Take the left paddock gate and head left. You'll see it on the ground on the far side of the second log.) Edea Card: Edea (in the Backyard at her house) Shiva Card: Zone (Talk to him at the helm of the White SeeD Ship and give him your copy of The Girl Next Door for free. In thanks, he'll give you a RENAME CARD and the SHIVA CARD.) Timber Maniacs (2): Edea's House (in the Bedroom on the floor in the near-right corner) and White SeeD Ship (on the floor on the left side of the ship's helm) OPTIONAL QUESTS: Dollet, Deling City, Timber, Winhill Village, Shumi Village, Chocobo Forests, Centra Ruins, CC Group, Balamb Esthar Pilot the Garden to Fishermans Horizon OR go to the recovery room in the Infirmary. Carry Rinoa into FH and talk to her after you set her down on the tracks. Talk to Edea and follow everyone out of Seaside Station. Locate Great Salt Lake (east of the station), make your way toward the far side, and defeat Abadon. Head right and examine the middle of the flickering image. Climb the ladder, proceed to the opposite end of the walkway, and open the door. Once the elevator stops, take the far corridor. Approach the Security Guard in the near-right corner then approach the Security Guard standing in the far-left doorway. Talk to the Moomba, talk to the other prisoner, and talk to the Moomba again. Defeat the attacking enemies, take the elevator up, and exit the Laboratory. Return to the lower level, approach Doc Odine, and defeat the attacking enemies. Follow Doc Odine out of the lab, defeat the Esthar Soldiers inside Odine's Laboratory, and sit on the lifter. Open the door, enter the Lab, and defeat the Esthar Soldiers. Examine the control panel on the right side of the room, return to the first floor Lobby, and enter the far room. Locate Lunar Gate (east of Esthar City), enter the building, and follow the woman into Deep Freeze. Follow the Lunar Gate Staff to the opposite side of the room and board the capsule. Follow Angelo outside and head for Esthar City. STRATEGY Abadon: Abadon is an undead monster weak against Fire. Junction Fire magic to Elem-Atk. It has two forms. In its compact form, it uses physical attacks. In its fully upright form, it uses status attacks. Junction Confuse to ST-Def. Begin by stocking up on magic and mugging Abadon. When you're done, attack it using items and/or commands with strong curative or reviving attributes. [40 AP] NOTES Solomon Ring: Locate Tears' Point (south of Lunar Gate) at some point before you return to Esthar after visiting Lunar Gate. Head for the center and you'll find the SOLOMON RING lying on the ground at the foot of the enormous sculpture. This is the legendary ring referred to in Occult Fan III. The magazine's report will give you a clue about how to use the ring. Instead of the rumored 666 items, you'll need six each of three different items: 6 Remedy+, 6 Steel Pipes and 6 Malboro Tentacles. When you have the necessary items, use the ring to acquire the GF Doomtrain. [DOOMTRAIN joins your party] ITEMS Solomon Ring: Tears' Point (see NOTES, Solomon Ring) Weapons Mon 1st: Lunatic Pandora Laboratory (When you Occult Fan IV: Esthar Presidential Palace Hall (Before you go to Lunar Gate, find the Presidential Aide standing near the Airstation and talk to him. Return to the Presidential Palace, find the Presidential Secretary standing outside the room where you left Rinoa, and talk to him. When he moves, examine the stack of magazines and you'll find it.) Pet Pals Vol.5/Vol.6: Esthar Pet Shop [Rinrin's Store] Combat King 004: Esthar City (Before you go to Lunar Gate, talk to the Esthar Soldier standing on the skyway left of the center of the city. When you return to Esthar City during LUNATIC PANDORA, talk to the soldier again and he'll give it to you.) Ward Card: Doc Odine (in the Presidential Palace Hall when you first arrive in Esthar) OPTIONAL QUESTS: Dollet, Deling City, Timber, Winhill Village, Shumi Village, Chocobo Forests, Centra Ruins, CC Group, Balamb Lunatic Pandora Go to Odine's Laboratory, talk to the Research Assistant, and ask to see the doctor. Enter the building, proceed to the Lab, and talk to Doc Odine. Rendezvous with Lunatic Pandora at one of the contact points and defeat the enemies guarding the entrance. Make your way through Lunatic Pandora and find the Mobile Type 8. NOTES Boarding Lunatic Pandora: To reach the first contact point, exit Odine's Laboratory and proceed to the intersection. Go right, proceed to the next intersection, take the skyway on the far side of the lifter, go up the steps, and head left. If you don't succeed, head for the second contact point. Go right, down the steps, and take the far end of the skyway. This is the correct area but the contact point is at the right-most end of the lower skyway. Take the far end of the skyway, take the far-right skyway, and go left. If you're unsuccessful again, head for the third contact point. Go right and take the near end of the skyway. It's to your advantage to board Lunatic Pandora as early as possible as the difficulty of the battle at the entrance increases at each contact point (though none of them are terribly difficult). More importantly, the contact point at which you board Lunatic Pandora determines the area you'll be in when you first get inside and the areas you'll be able to explore without encountering the Mobile Type 8. Finding the Mobile Type 8: If you board Lunatic Pandora at the first contact point, you'll begin on a flight of stairs. Proceed to the hall and take Elevator 03. Head for the bottom of the steps in the near-right corner and climb down the ladder. If you tampered with the Centra Excavation Site as Laguna (see GALBADIA GARDEN), you'll finally be able to claim your reward. If you found the Old Keys examine the room to the right of the ladder and you'll find a LuvLuv G. If you used the detonator to move the boulders you'll be able to proceed left until you reach the area with the 3 hatches. If you opened all of the hatches you'll be able to examine each room and find (right to left) a Power Generator, a Silence Draw Point and a Phoenix Pinion. Continue left and you'll see Combat King 005 lying on the ground. If you found the Old Keys you'll be able to enter the far room and draw Ultima. Return to the hall and take Elevator 01. If you pushed the boulder out of the way you'll be able to examine the opening on the left side of the path and find a Spd-J Scroll. Proceed along the path and you'll pass a Save Point. Take the far path and you'll find the Mobile Type 8. If you board Lunatic Pandora at the second contact point you'll begin at the end of a long corridor. Proceed along the corridor and you'll end up near the steps outside Elevator 03. You'll be able to access everything in the area beyond the foot of the steps, but as soon as you reach the hall you'll encounter the Mobile Type 8 before you can draw Curaga, Meteor and Holy, claim the Spd-J Scroll, and use the Save Point. If you board Lunatic Pandora at the third contact point, you'll begin at the end of a different corridor. Proceed along the corridor and you'll end up in the area with the Save Point. You'll be able to get the Spd-J Scroll if you take the near path, but you'll run into the Mobile Type 8 if you take the far path or proceed to the hall. Don't worry, no matter where you board Lunatic Pandora you'll get a second chance to find everything a bit later in the game. ITEMS Combat King 005: Lunatic Pandora (see NOTES, Finding the Mobile Type 8) Rinoa Talk to the person standing near the door and pick up Rinoa. Follow Piet to the Medical Room and carry Rinoa into the far room. Follow Piet to the Control Room and examine the monitor in the far-right corner. Go to the Residential Zone on the second floor, talk to Ellone, and head for the passageway outside the Medical Room. Follow Rinoa to the Control Room, talk to her, and examine the monitor in the far-right corner again. Go to the Locker Room on the second floor and approach the airlock. Open the compartment second from the right, put on the space suit, and follow Rinoa into the Dock. Return to the airlock, head for the Control Room, and talk to Piet. Talk to Ellone and follow her into the Escape Pod. Talk to her again and enter the empty chamber. After Ellone collapses, talk to her and rescue Rinoa. Once you're inside the Ragnarok, approach the control panel on the left side of the Air Room and pass through the far door. Eliminate the Propagators and head for the Cockpit. Board the Ragnarok, go to the passenger area, and head for the Cockpit. Pilot the Ragnarok to Esthar and go to the Sorceress Memorial (southwest of Lunar Gate). Go up the steps, approach the Sentry, and enter the building. Approach the engineers, go left, and approach Rinoa. Leave the Sorceress Memorial, pilot the Ragnarok to southwestern Centra, and go to Edea's House. Follow Angelo to the Flower Field and talk to him. Talk to Rinoa, leave Edea's house, and board the Ragnarok. NOTES Eliminating the Propagators: If you examine the terminal in the passenger area of the ship, you'll find a report left by the Ragnarok's former crew. You'll discover you must defeat the Propagators systematically or they'll be able to revive each other. After reading the complicated explanation, Rinoa will summarize the report by suggesting you 'kill them in pairs that have the same colors.' The order in which you defeat the coupled creatures is unimportant. ITEMS Alexander Card: Piet (Challenge him at the Lunar Base before you evacuate. If you miss this opportunity, you'll be able to find him at the Lunar Base Escape Pod crash site near the southern tip of the eastern peninsula of Abadan Plains in Esthar. It won't be visible from the World Map so you'll have to search the area to locate it.) Laguna Card: Ellone (Challenge her at the Lunar Base before you evacuate.) OPTIONAL QUESTS: Dollet, Deling City, Timber, Winhill Village, Shumi Village, Chocobo Forests, Centra Ruins, CC Group, Balamb, Obel Lake, UFO?, Queen of Cards, Cactuar Island, Deep Sea Research Center Ultimecia Castle Once you've reached the castle, the only things you're required to do are locate the Master Room and defeat Ultimecia. However, as soon as you enter you'll discover the majority of your powers have been sealed and will remain so whilst you're within the castle walls until you challenge and defeat Ultimecia's servants. Where you go, what you do, and in what order are completely up to you. For each of Ultimecia's pets, you'll find an explanation of the steps you must take to challenge it and a strategy for defeating it. It would be unwise to face Ultimecia without releasing at least a few of your powers. Release all of them and capitalize on your opportunity to draw powerful magic and obtain rare items and you'll greatly increase your chances of victory. Recommended course of action: Challenge Sphinx in the front Hall and release the seal on Magic. Head for the Wine Cellar, challenge Tri-Point, and release the seal on Limit Break. Return to the front Hall and switch to your support party. Depress the lever on the lower level of the Grand Hall and switch back to your primary party. Challenge Krysta on the Terrace and release the seal on Draw. Head for the Art Gallery, challenge Trauma, and release the seal on GF. Take the far doors and switch to your support party. Find the Treasure Vault Key in the Courtyard, pick up the Armory Key on the bridge at the top of the Chapel steps, go to the Elevator Hall, and switch back to your primary party. Challenge Red Giant in the Prison Cell, release the seal on Item, challenge Gargantua in the Armory, release the seal on Save, head for the Elevator Hall, and switch to your support party. Pick up the Floodgate Key in the Storage Room, return to the Elevator Hall, and switch back to your primary party. Head for the Treasure Room, challenge Catoblepas, and release the seal on Resurrection. Go to the Courtyard and switch to your support party. Close the floodgate, head for the Stairway Hall between the Art Gallery and the front Hall, and switch back to your primary party. Go to the Chapel, play the organ to lower the Waterway gate, and pick up the Rosetta Stone. (Omega Weapon: Head for the lowest level of the Clock Tower and Save. Go to the Courtyard and switch to your support party. Ring the bell and switch back to your primary party. Challenge Omega Weapon in the Chapel.) Climb the Clock Tower, challenge Tiamat, and release the seal on Command Ability. Head for the promenade outside the Master Room and Save. Proceed to the Master Room and confront Ultimecia. Sphinx Tri-Point Krysta Trauma Red Giant Gargantua Catoblepas Tiamat Rosetta Stone Omega Weapon Ultimecia SPHINX Sphinx stands proud, greeting you from atop the staircase in the front Hall as you enter the castle. Climb the stairs to challenge it. [Preparation] Both of Sphinx's forms are weak against Holy (as are the creatures Sphinxara can summon). Junction Holy to Elem-Atk. Sphinxaur can attack with Fire, Ice and Thunder. Junction Firaga, Blizzaga and/or Thundaga to Elem-Def. [Battle] Sphinxaur and Sphinxara have an embarrassing 10,000 HP each regardless of Level. Attack immediately and without relent and you'll swiftly topple the beast. Sphinxara will pose a fleeting threat as it may afflict members of your party with status effects while you're temporarily unable to remove them. Don't panic should this happen. Once Sphinxara has collapsed, release the seal on one of several means to cure yourself or take a brief repose outside the castle where your powers are unaffected by Ultimecia's servants. [30 AP] TRI-POINT Tri-Point patrols the Wine Cellar, safeguarding Ultimecia's stash of Cabernet and Pinot Noir. The hatch leading to the cellar is located in the Grand Hall (beyond the doors left of the foot of the staircase in the front Hall and through the doors at the opposite end of the passageway). Unfortunately, the demand for red wine in the castle has been non-existent for so long the hatch is rusted and can't be opened. Head for the upper level of the front Hall and take the doors on the far side of Sphinx's post. Load your entire party onto the Grand Hall's great chandelier and the whole thing will come crashing to the floor below. Open the now-broken hatch and proceed down the stairs to challenge Tri-Point. [Preparation] Tri-Point has an extreme elemental weakness that alternates between Fire and Ice. Junction Firaga and Blizzaga to Elem-Atk on the two strongest members of your party and either on the third. Tri-Point also has a strong Thunder-based counterattack called Mega Spark. Junction Thundaga to Elem-Def to absorb the damage. [Battle] Tri-Point has a devastating physical attack called Onrush. Be prepared by keeping your party's HP at full strength (although this battle probably won't last long enough for Tri-Point to use it). Begin by attacking with two characters of opposing Elem-Atk junctions. An attack that fails to prompt a counterattack indicates Tri-Point's elemental weakness (if you've released the Magic ability you may consider casting Scan to assess Tri-Point's vulnerability but you'll most likely find it a waste of your time). Each time Tri-Point receives such a hit, its weakness will switch to the other element. Continue to exploit this knowledge until Tri-Point falls. [ROCKET ENGINE + 30 AP] KRYSTA Krysta awaits you on the Terrace, located beyond the doors on the far side of the upper level of the Grand Hall. This means finding a way to negotiate the hazardous chandelier. Send your support party to the lower level of the Grand Hall either via the passageway beyond the doors left of the foot of the staircase in the front Hall or by taking a quick thrill-ride on the light fixture itself. Stand in the Party Switch Point on the right side of the room to depress the lever and switch back to your primary party. Head for the upper level of the Grand Hall, cross the chandelier sans plunge, and challenge Krysta on the other side of the doors. [Preparation] Release the seal on GF (optional: Item, Magic or Command Ability). Krysta has a very high Magic stat and when defeated will cast Ultima as a departing gesture. Don't engage it without the means to recover HP during battle unless your entire party is at or near full strength. Krysta is a flying monster immune to Ice. Junction any element other than Ice and Earth to Elem-Atk. [Battle] Krysta's primary threat is its strong non-elemental counterattack. Your goal should be to minimize the number of attacks and maximize their damage. Krysta has a very high resistance to physical attacks. Assaulting it in such a way would elicit numerous counterattacks. Its resistance to Magic is quite low but it would still take several attacks to defeat the creature. The only option that avoids counterattack altogether is summoning GFs. Begin by summoning Doomtrain to cripple Krysta's defenses. Follow up with a barrage of strong GF attacks (excepting Shiva and Brothers) and your semi-precious foe should have few if any chances to harm you. [ELEM GUARD + 30 AP] TRAUMA Trauma is the curator of Ultimecia's extensive art collection. To reach the Art Gallery from the front Hall, climb the stairs, head right, take the doors in the near-right corner, go down the stairs, and pass through the doors on the far side of the Party Switch Point. You'll find numerous paintings adorning the walls but no sign of Trauma. Since you bothered to come all this way, you might as well take in a few of the exquisite works. Examine the large canvas hanging on the left side of the lower level and you'll discover the title is too faint to read. By this time you may have the sneaking suspicion solving this mystery will be the key to finding Trauma. Begin by examining all the paintings, paying particular attention to their titles. On the lower level, you'll find to the left of the staircase from left to right IGNUS, INANDANTIA and IUDICIUM and to the right of the staircase INTERVIGILIUM. On the upper level in the area at the top of the stairs, you'll find from left to right VENUS, VIATOR and VIGIL. Go left from this area and you'll find from left to right INAUDAX, XYSTUS, XERAMPELINAE and XIPHIAS or go right and you'll find VIVIDARIUM. After admiring this last piece, take a moment to glance over the railing and study the clock face hewn into the floor below. The time itself is meaningless but the straightforward numbers indicated by the hands provide a critical clue. Each number represents a set of letters found in the title of one of the paintings. Return to the lower level and re-examine the still-nameless image. You'll be presented with a list of the pieces you've inspected and an opportunity to decipher the obscured title. Input the titles corresponding to the numbers shown on the clock in order as you'd normally read the hands: hour (VIII = VIVIDARIUM), minute (IIII = INTERVIGILIUM), second (VI = VIATOR). Solving the puzzle will summon Trauma to the staircase behind you. Climb the stairs to challenge it. [Preparation] Trauma is weak against Wind and vulnerable to Drain (as are its offspring, the Dromas). Junction Tornado to Elem-Atk and Drain to ST-Atk. [Battle] Trauma uses physical attacks and a strong non-elemental attack that targets your entire party called Mega Pulse Cannon. Trauma can also produce Dromas, small support machines that use similar attacks. Fortunately, as you siphon HP with each strike, your recovery should easily outpace your injury. Attack continuously with all members of your party. Eliminate the Dromas as they're born (you may wish to Mug them for Meteor Stones first). If any are still about when Trauma's HP reach 0 the progenitor will eat it's young, casting Drain to survive. [ELEM ATK + 30 AP] RED GIANT Red Giant polices the Prison Cell, located beyond the far doors on the lower level of the Art Gallery, down the steps on the far side of the Party Switch Point, and through the doorway on the left. When you reach the gulag, you'll find a corpse holding a key in its conspicuously outstretched hand and Red Giant temporarily out of the office. As soon as you set foot in the cell, the door will slam shut and lock behind you. With the only other door closed from the other side, you'll have no choice but to grab the Prison Key. Doing so will immediately summon Red Giant and thrust you into combat. [Preparation] Release the seal on GF or Magic. [Battle] Red Giant is virtually impervious to almost every attack. Its only weakness is its deathly fear of Diablos. Repeatedly summon the Dark Messenger and/or use Cactuar's defense-ignoring attack and you'll gradually bring the brute to its knees. You may wish to expand your options by summoning Doomtrain or casting Meltdown to crush Red Giant's defenses, rendering it vulnerable to physical attacks and a wider array of GFs. [DIAMOND ARMOR + 30 AP] GARGANTUA Gargantua is lurking at the rear of the Armory behind a locked door. The Armory Key can be found lying on the wooden bridge spanning the gap between the Chapel and the Clock Tower. To get to the bridge, head for the lower level of the Grand Hall, take the far doors, go through the doors on the far side of the Courtyard, and climb the Chapel steps. Walk when you go to pick up the key, running will shake the bridge and cause the item to slip off the edge. Don't panic should this happen. There's a waterway below and the key will be washed to the area immediately outside the Armory (unless you've closed the Floodgate, in which case the key will fall just out of reach behind a grate in the area below and remain there until you open the Floodgate again). To reach the Armory, head for the lower level of the Art Gallery, take the far doors, and go down the steps on the far side of the Party Switch Point. If you dropped the key earlier, you'll see it lying in the channel in the lower-right corner. Unlock the door on the right and head for the back of the room to challenge Gargantua. (NOTE: Before you face Gargantua, you must defeat what looks and acts like a normal Vysage-Lefty-Righty team.) [Preparation] Release the seal on Magic (or Item or Command Ability). Vysage, Lefty and Righty are weak against Holy and vulnerable to Drain. Junction Holy to Elem-Atk and Drain to ST-Atk. Vysage, Righty and Gargantua are vulnerable to Zombie. Junction Zombie to ST-Atk on one member of your party. Vysage and Gargantua employ a variety of Status attacks. Junction Berserk to ST-Def to thwart Gargantua's attempts to coerce you into repeatedly provoking its Counter Twist, a strong counterattack triggered by physical attacks. [Battle] Begin by eliminating Vysage, Lefty and Righty in the fashion of your choice. When Gargantua surfaces, you can whittle away at its HP while side-stepping its counterattack by using attack Magic or you can pursue a more expeditious victory. Afflict the juggernaut with Zombie either by casting magic or via an appropriately-junctioned Status Attack. Follow up by using items, magic and/or commands with strong curative properties to inflict major damage or attack with any revival technique to cause instant death. [MAGIC ARMLET + 42 AP] CATOBLEPAS Catoblepas is hiding in the Treasure Room behind an easy-to-miss locked door located in one of the castle's many passageways. The Treasure Vault Key can be found by examining the left side of the fountain in the Courtyard just beyond the far doors on the lower level of the Grand Hall. To reach the Treasure Room from the front Hall, climb the stairs, head left, take the doors in the near-left corner, go down the stairs, and pass through the doors on the far side of the Party Switch Point. Look closely along the left side of the passageway and you'll see a door situated near the center of the hall. When you use the key and enter the Treasure Room, you'll be confronted by a simple puzzle. Your task: open and close caskets until all four are simultaneously open. The solution: open or close the sarcophaguses once each in any order (e.g. outside left, inside left, inside right, outside right). Solving the puzzle will summon Catoblepas, enabling you to challenge it. [Preparation] Release the seal on GF or Magic. Catoblepas is weak against Earth and Water. Junction Quake or Water to Elem-Atk. Catoblepas attacks with strong Thunder-based magic. Junction Thundaga to Elem-Def. [Battle] In addition to its arsenal of Magic, Catoblepas uses strong physical attacks. This should present only a minor danger since each time it casts Thunder-based magic, especially Thunder Summon, your HP will recover. Catoblepas has a high Magic stat and when defeated will cast Meteor. Be prepared by keeping your party's HP at full strength. Begin by summoning Doomtrain or casting Meltdown to weaken Catoblepas' defenses. For the remainder of the battle attack with any means at your disposal (excepting Quezacotl and Thunder-based magic as Catoblepas will absorb the damage) until the behemoth succumbs. [STATUS ATK + 30 AP] TIAMAT You'll find Tiamat sulking on an obliterated balcony near the height of the Clock Tower, located beyond the foot-bridge at the top of the Chapel steps. To reach the balcony, ascend the Clock Tower's winding walkway until you reach the swinging pendulum and stand at the inside ledge on the left side of the tower. Leap onto the pendulum as it comes closest to you and it'll deliver you safely to the opposite side. Pass through the doorway to reach the verandah and challenge Tiamat. [Preparation] Tiamat is a flying monster strong against Fire and Thunder and immune to Wind. Junction any element other than Fire, Thunder, Earth and Wind to Elem-Atk. Tiamat's only attack is Dark Flare. Junction Firaga and Flare to Elem-Def and it'll be unable to harm you. [Battle] Despite Tiamat's garnering a place of esteem as the servant nearest the Master Room, this battle should prove the easiest of all. By turning Dark Flare into a tremendous source of HP for your party, your only difficulty will be deciding how to further humiliate this impotent ex-GF. Attack using whatever methods suit your fancy (excepting those with elemental qualities corresponding to Tiamat's strengths). [STATUS GUARD + 30 AP] ROSETTA STONE If you're desperately seeking Abilityx4, you may wish to take the time to find the Rosetta Stone tucked neatly away in a box submerged in the castle's Waterway. In order to claim it you must first drain the aqueduct and in order to accomplish that you must first obtain the key that unlocks the lever that operates the floodgate. The Floodgate Key can be found lying on the floor in a Storage Room accessible only via the primitive lift in the Elevator Hall. Begin by determining which of your two parties is heaviest (hint: the males outweigh the females) and taking the lighter party to the Elevator Hall. To reach it from the front Hall, climb the stairs, head left, go through the doors in the near-left corner and down the stairs, pass through the doors on the far side of the Party Switch Point, and take the doors at the far end of the passageway. Stand in the Party Switch Point on the lowered left carriage and switch to your heavy party. To reach the raised right carriage head for the lower level of the Art Gallery, take the far doors, climb the steps and go left, and proceed to the opposite end of the passageway. Stand in the Party Switch Point to lift the left carriage and switch to your lighter party. Head left, grab the key, and return to the Party Switch Point. Switch to your heavy party and head for the floodgate lever, located to the right of the door to the Prison Cell. Use the Floodgate Key and throw the lever to drain the water. Before you can set foot in the empty canal system however, you must first lower the gate that blocks your access to it. Head for the back of the Chapel and examine the organ. Play your guts out if you're so inclined, but the only way to open the gate is by hitting all the keys at once. Head for the Courtyard and follow the lamp-lit arches in the upper-right corner to see if you were successful. If not, return to the pipe organ and try again. When all the bars have been lowered, enter the Waterway and head right to claim your prize. OMEGA WEAPON Omega Weapon is by quantum leaps the toughest monster in the game. Challenging it is entirely optional and the tangible rewards for defeating it are meager at best. However, if your man-or-womanhood rests on being crowned the finest fighter in the world you'll feel the burning need to face this horror. If you've been to the Chapel, you've probably noticed the ominous cloud of vapor billowing from the floor. To summon Omega Weapon to this spot, you must ring the bell in the Stairway Hall located between the front Hall and the Art Gallery and rush to the Chapel before the nightmare vanishes. Your first order of business should be to make all the necessary preparations and save your game. With that out of the way, take your primary party to the Party Switch Point in the Courtyard outside the Chapel, switch to your support party, and head for the Stairway Hall. Before you pull the cord in the near-left corner, consider temporarily junctioning Enc-None. You'll have only sixty seconds to engage Omega Weapon and a single encounter will blow it for you. Ring the bell and use the Party Switch Point. Immediately make your Junction Exchange(s) and streak for the Chapel. In the instant before you engage Omega Weapon, replace Enc-None with the desired ability and prepare to meet the abomination itself. [Preparation] Release the seal on Magic and Limit Break (recommended: Item, Resurrection and Save). Omega Weapon has no elemental weakness. Remove all magic junctioned to Elem-Atk. Omega Weapon can cast LV5 Death (ending your game if all party members have a Level evenly divisible by five). Junction Death to ST-Def. Omega Weapon has an attack called Medigo Flame that does 9998 points of damage to every member of your party. Raise each character's maximum HP to 9999 (via magic junctioned to HP and if necessary an HP multiplier) and make sure you have the means to maintain full strength (items and/or commands with full-curative properties) and revive fallen comrades. Omega Weapon also uses Light Pillar, instantly slaying a single target, and Terra Break, an attack that can slaughter your entire party several times over. Make sure you have access to invincibility (Hero, Holy War and/or Rinoa's Invincible Moon Limit Break). Consider refining 10 Holy Wars from the Gilgamesh Card. Junction magic and stat multipliers prioritizing physical attack attributes (such as Str, Spd and Hit). Recommended Party: Irvine, Squall and Rinoa. Recommended Setup: Start with Squall and Rinoa's HP in Limit Break territory. Low HP plus Aura will increase the probability they'll execute their strongest Limit Breaks (Lion Heart and Wishing Star respectively). With 9999 maximum HP, you should be able to achieve this while keeping a comfortable buffer zone against an unexpected attack. Make sure Irvine has a good supply of ammunition (at least 100 Fast Ammo and 100 Demolition Ammo). Designate Irvine as the character you keep at full strength in case of Medigo Flame and junction his abilities to allow him to use revival techniques (if you intend to use Item, consider opening the Item Menu and placing the appropriate items, including those for invincibility, on the first page of the battle window). [Battle] Begin by casting Meltdown. Use your next turn to cast Triple on the third character and in turn use Triple to cast Aura on everyone. Follow up with invincibility for your entire party. You may wish to gamble on Rinoa executing Invincible Moon or play it safe by using a Holy War. Let loose on Omega Weapon with repeated Limit Breaks. When it comes to selecting ammunition for Irvine's Shot, begin with Fast Ammo. Each shot can inflict between 1000 and 2500 points of damage and you'll be able to fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. In a typical turn, you can expect to shoot about fifty times and cause more than 100,000 points of damage. When you run out of Fast Ammo, switch to your most powerful ammunition (e.g. Demolition or Pulse Ammo). Be prepared for Aura to wear off before invincibility. When this occurs, persist in using the Limit Breaks of those characters with low enough HP. You may wish to seize the opportunity to use your remaining party member(s) to draw Ultima or simply continue hammering away with normal attacks. If Omega Weapon is still on its feet when invincibility wears off (of which there is a very good chance), use Triple to re-cast Aura, invoke invincibility, and resume the onslaught until Omega Weapon gives in. When the day is finally yours, Proof of Omega will be added to the Information Menu of the Tutorial, securing your reputation as the finest fighter in the world. [THREE STARS + 250 AP + PROOF OF OMEGA] ULTIMECIA Sorceress Ultimecia patiently anticipates your arrival from atop her throne in the Master Room. To hunt her down, climb to the very top of the Clock Tower, proceed through the gear-works and across the hands of the clock, and climb down the ladders to reach the promenade outside the Master Room. After making the necessary preparations, save your game and enter Ultimecia's chamber to get on with saving the world. (NOTE: Ultimecia will select three characters at random to face her in battle. Keep this in mind as you prepare and be ready to fight with one or more severely disadvantaged characters if you choose not to spread your junctions across all six. If you saved outside Ultimecia's chamber, you can always reset and let her choose another set of three until you're satisfied with the party she chooses. A more sinister tactic would be offing unwanted party members yourself and permitting Ultimecia to absorb them into time, summoning a new random character with each meal until your ideal party arrives.) [Preparation] Release the seal on Limit Break and Magic (recommended: Item, Resurrection and Save). Ultimecia will take several forms during the battle, each possessing its own distinct set of elemental strengths and weaknesses. It's best to remove all magic junctioned to Elem-Atk and use it elsewhere. She can attack with a variety of elemental magic. The best defense would be building up a resistance to as many elements as possible (e.g. Junction 100 Ultima and 100 Life to Elem-Def to absorb damage from all elemental attacks). Ultimecia can also afflict you with a wide range of status effects. As you'll heavily rely on Magic and Limit Breaks to defeat her, junction Pain (or Silence and Blind) and Aura to ST-Def. In her final form, Ultimecia can use an attack called Hell's Judgement that reduces the HP of every member of your party to 1. Make sure you have the means to significantly restore your entire party in a single turn. Consider refining 100 Megalixirs from the Bahamut Card if you don't believe in crossing your fingers and hoping you'll have Quistis or Selphie in your party (and access to their Limit Break skills, White Wind and Full-cure respectively). [Battle] All of Ultimecia's forms have very strong attacks that target your entire party. Be prepared by maintaining your party's HP at or near full strength. Begin by casting Triple on at least one member of your party and Meltdown on Ultimecia. Use Triple to cast Aura on everyone and attack the Sorceress with repeated Limit Breaks, bowing out as needed to restore a character with low HP or re-apply Aura. Make sure you reinstate Triple if Ultimecia casts Dispel and re-cast Meltdown each time she appears in a new incarnation. As Ultimecia evolves, she'll develop the ability to blow away a single character's entire stock of a particular Magic and to instantly destroy any GF you attempt to summon. As menacing as this sounds, you should be able to lay her to rest despite her most diligent efforts. When Ultimecia takes her final bow, sit back and enjoy the magnificent ending, the day is yours. Congratulations! Final Fantasy 7 Walktrough
Final Fantasy 9 Walktrough