ABBATHOR (Great Master of Greed, Trove Lord, the
Avaricious), Lesser Power, male, NE Attributes: Greed, Evil, Spite, Dwarves Domains: Evil, Luck, Trickery Symbol: Jeweled Dagger Typical Worshippers: Evil dwarves, some dwarven merchants Raiment: Leather armor and cap Preferred Weapon: Dagger, knife, stiletto Holy Days: Eclipses, also annual sacrifice of blood (animal) and gemstones |
Abbathor (AB-bah-thor) the Avaricious is the dwarven Power of greed, venerated by most evil dwarves and nearly all evil dwarven thieves. He represents the worst aspect and major weakness of dwarven character. Many dwarves and even non-dwarves consumed with treasure lust and greed, or those who seek to steal valuables, make offerings to him. Many dwarven merchants secretly worship this power.
The Great Master of Greed was once interested purely in the natural beauty of gems and metals, but became embittered when Moradin appointed Dumathoin the protector of mountain dwarves - a position Abbathor felt should be his. From that day onward, Abbathor has become ever more devious and self-serving, continually trying to wreak revenge on the other dwarven Powers by establishing greed, especially evil greed, as the driving force in the lives of all dwarves.
Seek to acquire all that shines or sparkles, and revel in the possession of such. The wealth of the earth was created for those dwarves strong and crafty enough to acquire it by any means necessary. Greed is good, as it motivates the acquisition and the holding of all that is truly precious. Do not seize wealth from the children of the Morndinsamman, however, nor conspire against the favored of Abbathor, for such strife in the name of avarice weakens the clan.
Like their patron, clerics of Abbathor strive to enrich themselves, taking advantage of their positions and influence to steal or deal themselves some personal wealth. Such funds are typically cached in remote, fiendishly well-trapped hideaways, as amassing enough loot to retire in luxury is a game and a driving motivation among of this power.