ANNAM (the Prime, the Great Creator), Greater Power, male, N
Attributes: Creation, Knowledge, Magic, Fertility, Philosophy, Giants
Domains: Inspiration, Knowledge, Magic
Typical Worshippers: Giants
Preferred Weapon:
Holy Days:

Annam is The Prime, the Great Creator, the fertile progenitor of worlds. He fathers other Powers, creates worlds, and provides the tools for others to create upon his substrates, and he is even said to be the creator of the elements themselves. Far across all times, planes, and worlds, Annam's greatness unfolds itself. His merest passing thoughts have given birth to worlds and the Power is seen as being without peer.

Annam has a conflicted nature which proves to be his undoing. On the one hand, he is an all-knowing Power of learning, philosophy, and deep meditations; Annam is omniscient, but he chooses not to know certain things, in his wisdom. But, against this vastly cerebral nature, one must set Annam's instinctual, even lustful nature. He is not a god for whom contemplation's hold endless attraction. Annam is fertile and vigorous, and he makes a considerable number of mistakes when governed by his instincts. Thus, his son Stronmaus makes him proud and contented, but his other sons have been distinctly less of a blessing to him. Their endless schisms and bickering weary Annam and bring him depression and loneliness since he has no mate who is his equal. Hiatea makes him realize that his exclusive preference for male offspring was a mistake and that he realized his mistake too late. Perhaps the coming of evil to his creation was related to his fathering too many sons, among whom envy and jealousy were bound to give rise to evil, hatreds, and warped nature and bodies.

Annam has largely retreated from events in the Prime Material, grown weary of having to watch over countless worlds and conflicts. The Power seeks solace in a demiplane of Concordant Opposition, which no other being, not even Stronmaus, can even locate, let alone enter without Annam's permission (which he very rarely gives). There, Annam sits in an endless mansion with a great crystal tower wherein mobile models of all stars and planets whirl in perfect, silent motion, simulating the movements of the multiverse. No other living being has a home here. Perhaps above all, great Annam feels a sadness that he has no wife after all his conquests and consorts.

Clerics of Annam are extremely rare, they can only be cloud, storm, or stone giants, and they must be truly exceptional, having the blood of ancient/elder giants in them. They are rulers and kings, possessed of and driven to greatness and magical prowess through acquisition of powerful magical items