BAGHTRU (the Mighty), Lesser Power, male, CE
Attributes: Strength, Combat, Rage, Orcs
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, War
Symbol: Broken thigh bone
Typical Worshippers: Orc warriors and barbarians
Raiment: Bare head, loincloth
Preferred Weapon: Studded gauntlets.
Holy Days: Before battle, shattered bones of enemies

Bahgtru  is the son of Gruumsh and Luthic, he is depicted as a brutally strong Power, and also brutally stupid. He appears as a vastly muscular orc with filthy skin, dull eyes, over-sized tusks, studded leather armor, and heavy gauntlets. Tribes which follow Baghtru are much more aggressive than other orc tribes. These tribes are more surly and unpleasant than the average orc, and include large numbers of ogres and orogs. They tend to attack rather than parley. These tribes have a higher than average number of barbarian class orc also. The clerics of Baghtru will lead their brethren into battle, relying on berserk rage and great strength to carry the day. The favored weapon of Bahgtru's clerics are studded and bladed gauntlets, they generally scorn heavy armor. Most clerics of Baghtru will be multi-classed cleric/barbarians. They are only rarely the leaders of the tribe.