CLANGEDDIN SILVERBEARD (The Father of Battle, Lord of the Twin Axes, the Giantkiller, the Goblinbane), Lesser Power, male, LN
Attributes: Battle, Bravery, War, Dwarves
Domains: Law, Strength, War
Symbol: Two crossed axes
Typical Worshippers: Warriors, leaders, dwarves
Raiment: Chain mail, war helm
Preferred Weapon: Battle Axe
Holy Days: Before large battles, sacrifices of fine weapons

Clangeddin Silverbeard (CLAN-gehd-din SIHL-vur-beerd) is the Father of Battle and primary dwarven war Power. All dwarves who must fight, especially dwarves who are warriors by profession, worship Clangeddin, their patron and exultant leader in war. The Father of Battle is the Power of choice among lawful neutral dwarven warriors.

Clangeddin watches over the battle-skills and performances of dwarves from his mountain fortress in Arcadia. He encourages valor in battle, weapon-mastery and training, and wisdom in war, and most often manifests his powers to further these aims. Clangeddin is concerned with war as a way of life and is very different from Moradin in this respect. The aptly named Father of Battle especially hates giants and has taught the dwarves - and the gnomes, through their gods - special ways of fighting giant-type creatures.

Death on the field of battle is never welcomed and lives should never be thrown away foolishly. However, if necessary for victory, the highest service that followers of the Father of Battle can perform is to sacrifice themselves for the cause on the field of battle by protecting as many other dwarves as possible.

The members of Clangeddin's clergy form an elite warrior caste in many clans, maintaining their positions by training hard physically every day. They are always preparing for war, physically, tactically, and by acquiring resources. To ensure dwarven victory in every open fray, clerics of Clangeddin try to further the weapon training, tactical training, and battle skills of every living dwarf. Weaponcrafting and training are required for all worshipers of the Power, and clerics of the Power pass on their battle knowledge at an almost frantic rate to all dwarves who will lend an ear. Clerics of Clangeddin seek to make the dwarves ever stronger on the battlefield and are always alert for new tactics, traps, and weapons.