DELLEB (the Sage, Master of Riddles, the Scholar, the Scribe), Lesser Power, male, LG
Attributes: Reason, Intellect, Study
Domains: Good, Inspiration, Knowledge, Law, Magic
Symbol: Large White Book
Typical Worshippers: Sages, philosophers, intellectuals
Raiment: Robes of white and gold
Preferred Weapon: Dart
Holy Days:

Delleb (DEL-leb) the sage, Master of Riddles, is the patron Power of reason and intellect. He as been represented in several different ways, but most often lately as an aged sage in plain robes carrying many books and scrolls. In very early representations, however, he appeared as an adult man wit brown hair – cut page style – and a short-trimmed beard, wearing white and gold robes over a chain mail tunic and fielding a flail. It is said that this Power is all-knowing and that there is no problem or dilemma for which he cannot find a solution. His counsel is often sought by the other Powers of good.

The accumulation of knowledge is the purpose of existence. What cannot be learned from others may be discovered in books, and when books fail the truly studious will turn to experimentation. An hour studying is an hour well spent. Allowing emotion to cloud your judgement risks danger. The ignorant and inexperienced should be educated.

Services of Delleb always include group study and discussion. Sometimes texts are transcribed as well. Offerings to Delleb most usually consist of original inventions or newly written doctrines of philosophical or scientific theory.

Clerics of Delleb are made up exclusively of scholars and intellectuals. Clerics are expected to pursue knowledge almost constantly. Many find these clerics to be aloof for they are often in their own world. Any problem or question that is less than incredibly complicated or does not address deep philosophical paradoxes is of no interest to them; practical and pragmatic concerns, no matter how pressing, are considered trivial annoyances. The occasional cleric of Delleb will adventure to look for and recover ancient or lost tomes.

Churches to Delleb are like libraries – in fact they are libraries in many cases. The clerics of Delleb are charged with maintaining the Imperial Library in Virdistan. This is the largest temple to Delleb and the largest library on Wearth. Lesser, but also very large libraries are located in the other City States and in most large cities where there is a temple to Delleb. Unless sponsored by a cleric in good standing, the only way to gain access to a temple’s library is to solve a riddle or puzzle, or better still provide one for the clerics to solve. It is said that any who try to bluff their way in with a riddle that has no answer risk being cursed with feeblemindedness by the Power himself.

Clerics, while high-minded, are still trained in the ways of combat, firstly for the defense of the storehouses of knowledge that are their temples, and secondly, for the sheer sake of the knowledge of it.