DUGMAREN BRIGHTMANTLE (the Gleam in the Eye, the
Wandering Tinker, the Errant Explorer), Lesser Power, male, C(N)G Attributes: Scholars, Inventors, discoverers Domains: Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Travel Symbol: Open book Typical Worshippers: dwarvish scholars, inventors, and engineers Raiment: Preferred Weapon: Axe Holy Days: |
Dugmaren Brightmantle (DUHG-mah-ren BRITE-man-tuhl) is the patron of dwarven scholars and the embodiment of the chaotic and exploratory spirit that consumes some of the Stout Folk. He is venerated by dwarves, all of whom are scholars, inventors, engineers, tinkers, and fiddlers. His worshipers are consumed with the acquiring of knowledge simply for its own sake rather than for any practical purpose. Whereas Moradin draws smiths and other craftsfolk to his forge, Dugmaren attracts those free-thinkers who want to create something truly new, not a variation on an old theme.
The secrets of the world are waiting to be revealed. Travel widely, broaden
your mind at every opportunity, and pursue the life of
a scholar. Cultivate the spirit of inquiry among the young and be a teacher to all. Seek
to recover the lost and/or arcane knowledge of ages past and apply it in the world of
today. Try new methods of doing things just for the joy of experimenting. Learn a little
of everything, for you never know what might be of use down the road.
Clerics of the Wandering Tinker spend their days in scholarly pursuits, seeking to learn, teach, and advance nearly every field of knowledge even marginally interesting to the dwarven race. Many Seekers of Truth and Mystery serve as instructors to the young, while others record and archive current dwarven practices for future generations. Dugmaren's clergy members travel widely, seeking new experiences, new ideas, and the recovery of lost dwarven lore.