ERISHKIGAL (Mistress of Succubi), Demon Power, female, CE
Attributes: Seduction, Succubi, Undead, Elven (Drow)
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Undead, Trickery
Symbol: Smoke-filled glass sphere
Typical Worshippers: Courtesans, seducers, necromancers, some humanoids, some Drow
Raiment: Black robes, always attractively cut
Preferred Weapon: Charm and seduction
Holy Days: New moon, erotic rituals and bloodletting of animals and humans

Erishkigal rose to power as the greatest of all succubi, a Queen of the Abyss, as attractive as the fairest in the Heavens. She has turned countless warriors of Good against their cause, bending them to her will - their souls now serve her in her Abyssal realm. Of these, the greatest story is of a mighty paladin, mortal servant of Saint Cuthbert of the Cudgel. He journeyed to the Abyss itself to do battle with Erishkigal, assailing her fortress, dispatching scores of lesser demons and cursed servitors. Upon reaching the throne of the Queen, he was overcome with her beauty and charm, and turned to her service. He inhabits the Abyss still, possessing the powers of both a mighty demon and an undying death knight, his soul long since consumed.

On Wearth, Erishkigal was a fairly strong Power during the Rule of the Sorcerer Kings. In the battles during their fall, her followers, never strong in number, were scattered and her temples desecrated. Incensed by this blasphemy, Erishkigal has bent more of her attention upon the realm of Wearth. She has cultivated an alliance with Nerull, Power of Death. Seeking to weaken the servants of Orcus (and thus aid his goal of dominating the lower planes), Nerull has granted Erishkigal and her clerics a measure of power over Undeath, intruding upon Orcus’ Abyssal influence. Nerull hopes that Erishkigal will displace Orcus in the affairs of Wearth, granting him another ally amongst the forces of the Abyss.

Clerics (always female) of Erishkigal cannot cast any spells that raise the dead, including reincarnate, raise dead and resurrection. Erishkigal’s cult is obsessed with sexual acts and seduction, the clerics need not be physically attractive, but are always accomplished seductresses. They will always use their allure in preference to combat.