THE GREAT MOTHER, Greater Power, female, LE
Attributes: Fertility, Tyranny, Beholders
Domains: Air, Evil, Law, Magic
Typical Worshippers:
Preferred Weapon:
Holy Days:

The enormous form of the Great Beholder Mother floats through the planes as she wishes, returning to a wretched sub-plane within the Abyss (whose location only she knows) when she is preparing to lay the great eggs which form the Hive Mothers on many worlds infested with beholders. Her eggs have given rise to all the beholder races, including some monstrous beasts reputed to exist which are as large as the Mother herself and which have magical powers not far short of hers. It is even said that she has mated with devils and daemons and worse, always consuming them in the process, and that the dreadful offspring roam the lower planes in a variety of grotesque forms.

Silently gliding through space, this monstrous horror is mostly wrapped up in her contemplations of the philosophy of chaos and evil, and it is said that she is the ultimate sage on these topics. But she is intensely intellectually arrogant and jealous and brooks not even the possibility of her ever being in error about anything. She does not bother to acquire knowledge and magic as other major deities such as Ilsensine do, because she knows all she will ever need to know. She goes about her business of populating worlds with more great beholders unconcerned by the piffling efforts of mortals, or even of other Powers.

The Great Mother does not have regular clerics who officiate at rituals, lead the faithful, gain spells through prayer, and the like. The Great Mother's magical gifts to her offspring have been so great that she feels no need for them to receive extra blessing in this way. Rather, temporary clerics are created by the Great Mother through visits from her avatar when she deems it necessary. If, as happens very rarely, beholders flock together (or are forced together) through conflict with other races. Great Mother's avatar will temporarily empower very old female beholders with special abilities. These will be Hive Mothers if there are any present.

Beholder priests revere the Great Mother, and use powers granted to them in strife between beholders and other races; powers are specifically granted for this and related purposes.