GROLANTOR (the Foe Crusher), Lesser Power, male, CE
Attributes: Hills, Strength, Feasting, Battle, Persecution, Hill Giants
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Earth, Evil, Strength
Symbol: Wooden club
Typical Worshippers: Hill giants, ogres, ettins, warriors
Raiment: Skulls (on belt) and hide armor, dark brown clothing preferred.
Preferred Weapon: Club
Holy Days: No special days

Grolantor’s (gro-LAN-tor) clerics are ancestor worshippers, and believe that the soul of hill giants reside in the more savage animals (dire wolves, wolverines, cave bears, and the like). As such they treat the dire wolf as a sacred animal, off limits to all save clerics and chieftains. Grolantor appears as a huge hill giant bearing an over-sized club. Their contact with their Power is tenuous at best, and his worship is tied together with ceremonies honoring wolf spirits and the souls of departed chieftains and clerics.

In cases where a tribe that follows Grolantor lacks a true cleric, the chieftain will lead the tribe in worship. Clerics are rarely leaders of their tribes, although this is not unheard of. Crolantor's clerics must endeavor to wipe out weaker races- any goblinoids that get in their way and indeed pretty much anything else. They must never treat other giants as superior, and they regularly organize hunting parties and skirmishing warbands.

Ettins worship a two-headed aspect of Grolantor, but have no bad blood with his hill giant clerics. Grolantor has ogre worshippers, mostly among tribes that serve hill giants.