GZEMNID, Lesser Power, male, LE
Attributes: Gases, Fogs, Deception, Beholders
Domains: Air, Evil, Law, Trickery
Typical Worshippers: Beholders
Preferred Weapon:
Holy Days:

Gzemnid is the only one of Great Mother's original batch of progeny to have become a minor deity itself. It is a subtle, wily creature, using its extensive command of spells of obscurement and area distortion. Older mortal beholders tell tales of powerful enemies who sought to rob Gzemnid of his treasures being overcome virtually through exhaustion trying to corner this elusive creature. He is sometimes known as "the gas giant" because of his mastery of spells of elemental air.

Gzemnid is less aggressive than most of its race. Like his mother, he has a cache of magical treasures and lore somewhere on the Plane of Concordant Opposition. Unlike her, he is prepared to parley and bargain in order to add to this store. Of course, Gzemnid would prefer simply to slay intruders and take their magic for itself, but if confronted with a group of obviously powerful beings who do not immediately resort to violence the deity may negotiate (while using his magical rod to gain some leverage in discussions). He sends his avatars to the Prime Material plane to obtain such magical items and lore moderately frequently.