HANALI CELANIL (the Heart of Gold, Winsome Rose, Archer of Love, Lady Goldheart), Lesser Power, female, CG
Attributes: Love, Beauty, Romance, Elves
Domains: Chaos, Good, Peace
Symbol: Golden Rose
Typical Worshippers: Elves, lovers, romantics, artists, bards, art connoisseur
Raiment: Gold or white robes, bare head
Preferred Weapon: none
Holy Days: Full moon, sacrifice of beautiful art objects.

Hanali Celanil (HAN-uh-lee SELL-uh-nihl) is the elven Power of love, romance, and beauty. Lady Goldheart is predominantly depicted as female, although on rare occasions it is said that she has taken male form. Hanali is revered especially by the High Elves. Her followers also include elven artisans (particularly sculptors), lovers, performers (particularly bards and dancers), and nobles. Lady Goldheart is also widely revered by half-elves born of joyous unions, in honor of the love that brought their parents together. Hanali is closely associated with Evergold, a sacred crystal fountain and pool found within her crystal palace in Arvandor. She keeps watch over her followers by using the placid waters of Evergold as an immense crystal ball, and philters of love created by elves are said to contain drafts of this fountain's waters.

Hanali is one of the three elven Powers, the other two being Aerdrie Faenya and Sehanine Moonbow, who collectively form the Triune Goddess. This duality tightly binds Hanali with the two other senior elven Powers, and the three collectively serve alongside Corellon in leading the Seldarine. Hanali has been romantically involved with nearly every member of the Seldarine, particularly Erevan Ilesere, yet she remains amicable with nearly all of her current and former suitors alike. The only notable exception is Fenmarel Mestarine, although he and Lady Goldheart are still formally allied. The Lone Wolf resents the fact that Hanali spurned him long ago in favor of Erevan Ilesere, and some believe that Hanali's fickleness was what drove Fenmarel into the embrace of Lolth (Araushnee).

Life is worth living because of the beauty found in the world and the love that draws twin hearts together. Nurture what is beautiful in life, and let beauty's glow enliven and brighten the lives of those around you. The greatest joy is the rapture of newfound love and the tide of romance that sweeps over those wrapped in its embrace. Seek out and care fore love wherever it takes root and bring it to its fullest bloom so that all may share in the joy and beauty it creates. Always give shelter and succor to young lovers, for their hearts are the truest guides to life's proper course.

Hanali's clerics are flighty and somewhat vain, given to dancing and wild celebrations. The hierarchy is loosely organized, and clerics are free to join or leave the church as they wish. Paramours preside over marriage and rites of passage ceremonies for young elves, although they are not required to marry, for Hanali's concern is love, not necessarily marriage. Members of Hanali's clergy spend their days cultivating beauty and love in all their myriad forms. Many of Lady Goldheart's priests tend fine gardens, white others amass personal or temple-based collections of gems, crystal sculptures, and other fine works of art. While things of gold and crystal, particularly jewelry and statues, are favored, beautiful art in any form is admired, collected, and displayed. Hanali's priests must always be finely dressed, and displaying one's personal beauty to its best advantage is a requirement of every priest of the Heart of Gold.