HIATEA, Greater Power, female, N(G)
Attributes: Nature, Agriculture, Hunting, Females, Children, Giants
Domains: Animal, Plant, Protection, Strength
Symbol: Flaming Spear
Typical Worshippers: Giants, Firbolgs
Preferred Weapon:
Holy Days:

Hiatea is a dual-aspect Power, as her mythic history befits. Hidden by her mother in fear of her father Annam, she was raised by firbolgs. Ignorant of her divine parentage. She thus has a strong affinity with community, agriculture, and the upbringing of the young, especially with her firbolg priests. However, on learning (from a messenger sent from her mother's death-bed) of her father's identity, she vowed to present herself to him as worthy of his acknowledgement. She undertook a series of arduous trials and quests, mostly in the woodlands where she honed her hunting skills. Thus, she has a much wilder (and more neutral-aligned) aspect as a Power of nature, wild places, and hunting. Joining the two is a powerful concern with the balance of agriculture and settled communities with nature, wild things, and hunter-gatherers. Firbolgs often have this concern as a basis for their ecology as befits her most important servants and worshipers.

Hiatea also has a small but deeply loyal following among the small giant-kin voadkyn and is happy to take these smaller folk under her wing. She has a genuine fondness for this race and, as a result, has begun to develop friendships with some of the elven Powers, notably Solonor Thelandira, with whom she enjoys archery contests by her home in Elysium.

Hiatea is a strong, confident, and proud Power who is an exceptional huntswoman, as her sojourns in the Beastlands impress on all who dwell there- Her symbol derives from the great battle in which she slew the vast hydra she presented to her father as proof of her prowess and worth.

Hiatea's clerics typically specialize in one of two roles, although the boundary is not absolute. They may be "community clerics," who must tend to agriculture and the raising, protection, and education of children, or else they may be "protector clerics," who spy around the edges of their communities, patrolling natural woodlands and forests and especially keeping an eye on other races (with voadkyn, this means in part going out of their way to maintain relations with wood elves). All clergy maintain an absolute equality of the sexes, although females may be more numerous among the firbolg.