HRUGGEK (the Blood Drinker), Lesser Power, male, CE
Attributes: War, Blood, Torture, Bugbears
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War
Symbol: Morning star
Typical Worshippers: Bugbears, warriors, chieftains, mystics
Raiment: Skulls, bare body required for ceremonies, black garb otherwise
Preferred Weapon: Morningstar
Holy Days: Full moon

Hruggek (HRUG-ek), the bloodthirsty Power of the bugbears, shares the blend of insanity and brute force that bugbears are known for through out Wearth. His clerics wield rune-carved morningstars, with which they use most of their clerical powers (however, in a pinch, any morningstar will do). Bugbear clerics are quite capable of cooperating with other humanoid tribes and clerics, something that sets them apart from the other humanoid pantheons. Hruggek appears as a powerfully muscular bugbear with over-sized fangs and claws, wielding a vast, two-handed morningstar.

Hruggek's clerics are expected to aid (or lead) their tribes in the goblinoid war of aggression - any deep that gains power for bugbears, no matter how treacherous or evil, will be rewarded. His clerics will expend lesser humanoid lives without thought, and bugbear lives when necessary.

Hruggek is served by a variety of other lesser Powers, Some of these bugbear Powers have found worship among the tribes. The relationship between servant Powers and the master (Hruggek) is always kept clear.

Services to Hruggek occur on the full moon, or after a especially successful campaign, and involve the blood sacrifice of monsters of intelligent creatures.