KURTULMAK (the Striker from the Shadows), Lesser
Power, male, LE Attributes: Ambush, Mining, Looting, Stealth, Treachery, Kobolds Domains: Evil, Law, Trickery Symbol: Dwarfs Skull Typical Worshippers: Kobolds, chieftains, assassins Raiment: Orange robes with white skull emblem (ceremonies), iron helm and orange scale mail (war) Preferred Weapon: Half-spear Holy Days: Crescent moon, sacrifice of tribal enemies |
Kurtulmak (KUR-tul-mak) is the spite-filled Power of the kobolds. He resents his low ranking among the humanoid Powers, and seeks the eventual enslavement and destruction of the other humanoid races. However, given the weak and ignoble status of the kobold race, he is biding his time. Kurtulmak has a particular loathing for the dwarvish Powers, and his clerics will kill (or torture) dwarves whenever possible.Hateful, gloating, and humorless, Kurtulmak is the chief patron of the kobolds. He governs war and mining, and is depicted as a large kobold with a sinuous stingered tail, large horns, black and green scales, and a wickedly-tipped spear.
Kurtulmak holds power over the other Demi Powers in the kobold pantheon, although all of them seek to supplant him one day. The infighting tends to be fairly minor, as kobolds are well aware of the need to support each other against their common enemies.
Kurtulmaks clerics are expected to be leaders and examples of their Powers virtues. As such, they help plan out new construction in their lairs, attacks against their hated enemies, and personally lead ambushes whenever possible.