LAGOZED (the Dripping Death), Demi Power, male, CE
Attributes: Troglodytes, Toads, Conquest
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Evil
Symbol: Lizards head
Typical Worshippers: Troglodytes, a few reptile cultists
Raiment: Bare head, bone belt, topaz gemstones
Preferred Weapon: Teeth and claws
Holy Days: Midwinter (burnt human and demi-human corpses, shed skins of clerics)

Lagozed (lay-AG-zed) is more of a slumbering appetite than a sentient being, but he is revered by the strange society of the troglodytes. Some portion of the ravening beast must recognize them and hear their prayer, as the powers of these clerics are quite real, if limited in scope. Lagozed’s clerics gain equal measures of power from worshipping Lagozed and from their own dark rituals - they have a fair skill at binding spirits to their will in addition to the more normal clerical powers. They prefer to fall upon their enemies and rend them limb from limb with tooth and talon, but will fall back on weaponry if survival demands it. Lagozed is depicted as huge toad/lizard crossbreed, with pustulent loose skin.

Lagozed has a small human following in the Mermist Marshes outside the City State of the Invincible Overlord, they venerate the Dripping Death in a manner similar to that of the troglodytes, and dress in dripping reptile skins. The few higher-level clerics in his cult have taken on a distinctly reptilian aspect.