LUTHIC (the Cave Mother), Lesser Power, female,
C(N)E Attributes: Fertility, Caves, Healing, Servitude, Orcs Domains: Earth, Evil, Healing, Chaos Symbol: Cave entrance rune Typical Worshippers: Orcs, females, mothers, healers, cave dwellers Raiment: Fur cap, leather armor (brown and black in ceremonies) Preferred Weapon: Tiger Claws Holy Days: Midwinters Day, valuable treasures |
Luthic is consort to Gruumsh, and mother of Bahgtru. Depicted as a female orc with black claws, hair and eyes, she is representative of the subservience of female orcs, and is associated with female fertility, healing, and caverns and caves. Tribes that follow Luthic are in some ways less dangerous that other orc tribes. They value their lives more highly than the typical orc, and as such are less likely to wage senseless war against their neighbors. However, at the first sign of weakness, they will attack, and spare none of their foes. Prisoners of these tribes rarely survive long, as they do not believe in wasting resources on outsiders. Clerics of Luthic will stay back in battle, using magics in preference to physical attack, and tending they wounded that they may continue fighting. They tend to be advisers to the chieftains of their tribes, urging them on to greater and greater conquests. They consul the capture and absorption of rival tribes (particularly those serving Yutrus and Shargas, and to a lesser extent Ilneval), to increase the power of their tribe.
All temples to Luthic are in natural caverns. Cleric of Luthic fight with Tiger Claws, and often gain skill and feats to use them to great advantage.