MEMNOR, Lesser Power, male, NE
Attributes: Pride, Mental Prowess and Control, Bugbears
Domains: Air, Charm, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery
Symbol: Black obelisk
Typical Worshippers: Evil cloud giants
Raiment: Deep blue robes
Preferred Weapon: Morningstar
Holy Days:

Memnor is the neutral evil Power worshipped by evil cloud giants. Patron of pride and domination, he is subtle, cultured, prideful, and intelligent. He is depicted as a kindly-looking, golden-hued cloud giant with a piercing gaze, deep blue robe, and morningstar. His holy symbol is a black obelisk.

Memnor is subtle, charming, intelligent, cultured-and deeply, intensely evil. His sin is pride, the desire to usurp Annam even in the prime Power's withdrawn aspect, and to rule all of the affairs of giantkind. His chosen instruments are evil cloud giants, the only clerics he accepts. He corrupted them by constantly telling them of their superiority, stressing their first-born status in the worlds, and by belittling other giant races. He taught his evil followers the secrets of harnessing wyverns and dominating them through force of will. and he ever bends his will toward increasing the power of evil giantkind.

Memnor's clerics must proclaim the superiority of giants in general and cloud giants in particular, belittling other giants save for storm giants, who are hated and hunted. They must be proud, well dressed, and regal of manner.