MUAMMAN DUATHAL (the Finder of Trails, the Watcher over Wanderers, the Finder, the Wanderer), Lesser Power, male, NG
Attributes: Wanderers, Travel, Urban Dwarves, Exiles
Domains: Good, Travel, Protection
Symbol: an upright mace over a leather boot
Typical Worshippers: Dwarven wanders, exiles
Preferred Weapon: mace
Holy Days:

Muamman Duathal (Moo-AM-man Doo-AH-thuhl), is the protector of dwarves who make their lives in human society in the North, rather than keeping to mountain or deep-delve enclaves. Commonly known as Wanderers, all such dwarves make offerings to him in appeasement for good fortune. Muamman is the patron of adventurers and explorers and all those dwarves who travel or live far from the dwarven homelands, allowing them to find routes to escape or to victory in their travels. He also watches over dwarven craftsfolk of any good alignment, keeping their homes and persons safe. His secondary aspect as Power of lightning is unique among dwarves. The Finder-of-Trails is a growing cult in the North, and he may be evolving into an intermediate power.

If the Children of Moradin are to survive as a race, they must adapt, grow, and learn to dwell in harmony with other good races, particularly humans. The Stout Folk must be encouraged to emerge from the illusory safety of their hidden delves and find true security in fellowship with humankind and demihumankind. Help fellow wanders and sojourners in the world, giving all that is needful. Guide those who are lost and guard those who are defenseless. Seek out new ways and new paths, and discover the wide world in your wanderings. Herald the way of newfound hope.

Clerics of Muamman make marked trails in the wilderness mountains of Wearth from east to west, north to south. They also establish way-caches of food and supplies (spare boots, clothing, weapons, drinking-water, bandages and splints, firemaking supplies, and the like) along these trails.

Clerics of Muamman patrol these ways, healing and guiding dwarves they meet, providing a warm fire, a hot meal, and friendly companionship to exhausted, lonely, lost or hurt dwarves-of any faith or race.

Clerics of Muamman work with healers and clerics of all races to help dwarves, allies, and companions of dwarves. While they do not accompany adventurers, they are in a sense adventurers themselves, often fighting monsters, discovering ruins, and facing the same perils that adventurers do. Travelers in the mountains of Wearth often encounter small bands of 3d4 dwarven clerics of Muamman. Such bands do not reveal their clerical status unless they are dealing with dwarves or known dwarven allies or companions.

The ghosts of diligent servants of Muamman are said to haunt certain trails, old abandoned delves, and mountain passes. When dwarves or dwarven allies or companions are lost in such places, particularly in blizzards or storms, the phantom clerics appear, gesturing silently, and guide the travelers along a safe route to refuge or their destination.