NERULL (The Reaper, Foe of all Good, Hater of Life,
Bringer of Darkness), Greater Power, male, NE Attributes: Death, Darkness, the Underworld, Evil, Covert Activity Domains: Darkness, Death, Evil, Trickery Symbol: Skull and Scythe Typical Worshippers: Grave robbers, cultists, humanoids, necromancers, morticians Raiment: Rust red or black hooded cloaks and robes. Preferred Weapon: dagger, quaterstaff, sickle or scythe Holy Days: Midwinters Night, human sacrifice |
Nerull (NEH-rul), Foe of All Good, Hater of Life, Bringer of Darkness, Reaper of Flesh his formal titles bear eloquent witness to the horror of this cold, cruel, hateful Power. Nerull is not a Power who sees death as ease, release, or quiet passing; he brings bloody slaughter, and is the patron of many who seek evil for their enjoyment and gain.
Nerull appears as a skeletal figure with a dull, rusty-red body and a skull-like head adorned with thick strands of blue-green "hair". His eyes, teeth, and nails are a putrid green. Known to fly at night, black-cloaked and cowled, his terrible reapers staff-scythe strikes down all it sweeps through. Nerull is summoner of fiends, conjurer of darkness; his touch withers men and turns them to dust.
All are equal in Nerull's cold realm. Every living thing is an affront to the Reaper, and every death brings a dark spark of joy to his long-dead heart. Those who pray to Nerull to appease him only attract his attention and their own doom. Those who kill in his name shall be rewarded.
The worship of Nerull always occurs in complete darkness. The Litany is ghastly, full of death and suffering. Bizarre and terrifying offerings are made on altars of rusty-colored stone. Nerull is known to have hidden temples in the wild barbarian lands. A scarce few well-hidden, subterranean temples may befoul the foothills in more civilized lands. Nerull's clerics commit murder as offerings to their god; when their actions are discovered, they flee their hiding places and move far away to carry out their evil deeds, appearing innocent while occansionaly killing wayfarers on their long journey.
Even in times of war and death, the common folk do not try to appease the Reaper. Any form of beseechment is thought to attract his fell green eyes to the supplicant, with life ending results.
Nerulls clerics are murderous, psychopathic, cold, cruel, and utterly evil. They are highly secretive, for obvious reasons. Clergy tend to be individual capsules without an overall hierarchy, except in evil lands.