NOMOG-GEAYA, Lesser Power, male, LE
Attributes: Dispcipline, Authority, Hobgoblins
Domains: Evil, Law, Strength, War
Symbol: Crossed sword and axe
Typical Worshippers: Hobgoblins
Preferred Weapon: Longsword, hand axe
Holy Days:

Nomog-Geaya is the specific patron Power of hobgoblins. He espouses stoicism, courage, ruthlessness, conflict, and authority. He is described as a powerful hobgoblin with ashen skin, chilling orange eyes, and shark-like teeth. He bears a longsword in one hand and a hand axe in the other. He disdains Bargrivyek as a coward and follows Maglubiyet lead only because of the powers great strength. His holy symbol is a crossed sword and axe.