OLHYDRA (Mistress of Dark Water), Demon Power, female, NE
Attributes: Evil Water Creatures, Water Elementals, Sahuagin
Domains: Evil, Water
Symbol: Cresting wave
Typical Worshippers: Cultists, evil water creatures, Sahuagin
Raiment: Bare head, white or blue robes
Preferred Weapon: N/A
Holy Days: High tide, human sacrifices to the waters

Olhydra has a small human following on Wearth, owing to the cults of Elemental Evil and the Elder Elemental Powers. She does, however, have a strong following among evil elemental spirits of all forms, and even amongst the sea devils of Wearth’s seas (though Sekolah ruthlessly purges any cultists found amongst her people). Her human clerics are not particularly well-organized or magically empowered, but they nonetheless hold more than one coastal community under their sway.