RAXIVORT (the Rat Lord, the Burning Hand, Master of Rats, Night Flutterer), Lesser Power, male, CE
Attributes: Ratmen, Rats, Bats
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Trickery
Symbol: Blue flaming hand
Typical Worshippers: Ratmen, wererats, some werebats
Raiment: Blue armor or clothing, silken over-garments when available
Preferred Weapon: falchion, dagger
Holy Days: New moon (3 day celebration and rituals), sacrifice of captured treasure

Raxivort (RAKS-ih-vort) was once a servant of Graz’zt, chief amongst all Ratmen. He rose to become Master of Slaves for the Demon Lord, and grew arrogant in his power. He rose up against Graz’zt and looted his armory, confident he could usurp his power, and the two warred for months, Ratmen and slaves against Graz’zt’s demonic legions. Raxivort was eventually forced to sue for peace and withdraw from Graz’zt’s home plane, but he captured a portion of the Demon Lord’s true Power (as well as much of Graz’zt’s treasury), and with time has grown into a formidable Power himself. All Raxivort's followers have a strong hatred against goblins and kobolds, some claim this is due to Raxivort's days as Master of Slaves for Graz'zt. The Ratmen today live primarily in the Viceroy Mountains south of Iuz, but like their smaller cousins tend to show up where they are least wanted.

Ratmen are the true inheritors of the world. They and their rat, wererat, and bat allies will destroy their enemies, particularly the goblins and kobolds. With cunning, numbers, and small allies, the Ratmen will overwealm all opposition. Like Raxivort himself, fire an dknives are the tools of the Ratmen against their hated foes. Those that can take the shape of rat or bat are doubly blessed.

The clerics of Raxivort seek wealth and comfort for their tribes, and prefer to inhabit captured housing whenever possible. They are capable in a fight (for Ratmen), but prefer to leave the battles to more "expendable" warriors, and to summoned animals. Cunning and survival are their watch words, although safety of their tribes comes before their own.

Raxivort’s clerics typically do not rule their tribes, though they are respected advisors. They tend to be rather pungent, due to their aversion to water - they maintain this marks them as holy. Some of Raxivort’s clerics are also sorcerers of no small skill.