SEMUANYA (the Unfeeling One), Lesser Power, male, N Attributes: Neutrality, Survival, Logic, Reproduction, Isolation, Lizard men Domains: Animal, Protection, Strength Symbol: Lizards egg Typical Worshippers: Lizard men (but never lizard kings), some other intelligent reptiles Raiment: Bare head, hide kilt, blue-green colors preferred Preferred Weapon: War club Holy Days: Full moon (sacrifice of prize parts of game) |
Semuanya (se-moo-AN-ya) preaches survival and neutrality above all else, and teaches lizard men to avoid entangling themselves in the affairs of other races. His clerics occupy position of great importance in their tribes (although they rarely lead). Semuanya detests waste, and his worshippers will never sacrifice whole animals (or humans), just a few of the choicest morsels. His clerics are exceptionally intelligent for lizard men, although they scorn the civilized ways of other races. Semuanya is depicted as a large lizardman with a shell-encrusted club.
In recent times, SessInnek (a Demon Power) has turned many tribes of lizard men to his worship. His chosen representatives are lizard kings, who never worship Semuanya. SessInnek encourages hunting of humans and blood sacrifices among his tribes, and is also seeking to bring civilizing influences (including metal working) to the lizard men. Semuanya has not reacted to this threat, for reasons as yet unknown.