SKORAEUS STONEBONES, Lesser Power, male, N Attributes: Earth, Stone, Caves, Stone Giants Domains: Destruction, Earth, Strength Symbol: Stalactite Typical Worshippers: Stone Giants Raiment: Preferred Weapon: club Holy Days: |
Skoraeus Stonebones is the Power worshipped by stone giants. A bastion of earth, he is dour, and stoic, with granite skin and a stalactite club. His holy symbol is a stalactite.
Skoraeus Stonebones is one of Annam's three sons, with Surtr and Thrym. Skoraeus has evaded the schisms in the giantish pantheon by withdrawing below the earth, concerning himself solely with the affairs of stone giants. He is an expressionless, dour patron who cares nothing for any other race save the stone giants, although he does occasionally deal with Powers of the dwarves and svirfnebli (of necessity rather than desire). Skoraeus is deeply knowledgeable about banes, magics, and wonders buried in the cores of worlds, but he keeps this knowledge strictly to himself.
Skoraeus' clerics dominate stone giant society and create an inward-looking, stifling orthodoxy that repulses attempts at contact by other races most of the time. They are grave, serious giants who especially avoid contact with others of giantkind.