STRONMAUS , Greater Power, male, N(G)
Attributes: Sun, Skies, Weather, Cloud & Storm Giants
Domains: Air, Good, Sun, Weather
Symbol: Lightning bolt from a silver-lined cloud
Typical Worshippers: Good cloud giants and storm giants
Raiment: Gold-trimmed white robes
Preferred Weapon: Hammer
Holy Days:

Stronmaus is the Greater Power worshipped by good cloud giants and storm giants. He governs the sun, skies, and weather. He is shown as a vibrant, dramatic, and muscular giant with laughing blue eyes, flowing red hair, a gold-trimmed white robe, magnificent hammer, and perpetual smile. His favored weapon is teh hammer and his symbol is a lightning bolt decending from a silver-lined cloud partialy obscuring the sun.

Stronmaus is the mighty giantish Poweer of sun, skies, and weather. Given the decline in Annam's role, Stronmaus is increasingly the giantish Power who watches over the affairs of all the giantish Powers and may call them to account for wrongful actions, damaging dissension, and the like.

Stronmaus lives in a spectacular cloud palace in the Beastlands crarted from gold, platinum, gems, and marble, in which he has a magical opal pool which appears some 100' long to a viewer/ but which is of endless size when one swims within it. The waters of this pool can heal any creature Stronmaus chooses to allow to swim here, as well as effect restoration and regeneration. Stronmaus delights in swimming here with Trishina the dolphin Power, with his sister Hiatea, and with Surminare the selkie queen. In the skies above his home, he rides the air currents with Aerdrie Faenya of the elves and Syranita the aarakokra Power. Stronmaus takes pleasure in consorting with good patrons of skies and seas, and he has many friends among them.

Stronmaus is a Power in whom the power of life itself flows very strongly. Stronmaus cannot help but be ever-smiling, and it is hard for him not to express his powerful energy in dramatic form. He delights in creating powerful storms in the Beastlands, revelling in the lightning and driving rain, whooping to the thunder he creates from his own magical hammer. This can be a terrifying spectacle for the unprepared, for the Power is a very strong and powerful one and sometimes his joy in the elements makes him forget his own strength.

The cloud giant clergy is a proud and organized one which must rid the skies of evil creatures. Each cleric is expected to have at least one area of skill in music or the arts. Clerics must be wealthy, dress well, and craft/possess fine jewellery. Quality of dress and jewellery is a sign of position within the heirarchy, so juniors should not dress too well.

Storm giants have to undertake an arduous personal initiation to become clerics; this may involve fasting to the point of severe deprivation, travel to a sacred location and participation in extended meditation there, and the like. Such clerics are solitary and have a great affinity with sky or sea creatures (as appropriate). They are visionaries, mystics, and meditators who treat each other as equals.