SURTUR (Lord of Fire), Lesser Power, male, LE
Attributes: Fire, Battle, Leadership, Fire Giants
Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, War
Symbol: Flaming Sword
Typical Worshippers: Fire Giants, fire cultists, fire creatures
Raiment: War helm, iron plate mail (fiery red apparel)
Preferred Weapon: Two-handed sword
Holy Days: Midsummer's Day, burnt offerings (sacrificed in lava when possible)

Surtur, the flame-haired Lord of the Flame, is both the first and the ideal of fire giantkind. He appears as a huge, powerful fire giant with real flames for hair, bearing a flame-wreathed black greatsword, and chainmail that glows red with heat. He has a small human following, but does not grant them any powers (unlike his brother Power Thrym). Surtur's clerics are among the most feared warriors of giantkind, and will rarely shrink from battle. His clerics are typically respected among their kind - many are nobles or kings.