TELCHUR (Icebrother), Lesser Power, male, CN
Attributes: Winter, North Wind, Death
Domains: Air, Chaos, Cold, Last Rites, Strength
Symbol: Blue moon on field of black with snow falling
Typical Worshippers: Common folk, peasants
Raiment: Robes of black on blue with white trim
Preferred Weapon: Shortspear, shortsword
Holy Days: Winter solstice

Telchur (TEL-chur) is one of the four Powers of the seasons. These are ancient Powers worshipped mostly now days only by the common folk. In the distant past these Powers were much more active and still are considered powerful in that they are the actual forces of the seasons, as much as personification. Early in Wearth’s past the four Powers of the Seasons (Atroa, Sotillion, Wenta, and Telchur) formed a single hierarchy, as all were part of Beory. Now it is rare to find any acting in concert.

"Old Man Winter", as he is often called, is shown with a thick mane of snow-white hair and beard and wearing furs of arctic beasts. He is also known as the "Master of the Opal Pool of the In-between", and "Lord of Deepest Night". It is said that he and his clerics guide souls from their life on Wearth to their rightful rest or punishment upon death. He is the elder brother of the four seasonal Powers.

While life blossoms in spring and florishes in the summer, winter always comes and causes it to die, freezing the ground so that even the strongest shoot cannot break free. The cold wind covers all like a shroud, sucking the life from man and beast, blowing out the fires of his hope, and leaving nothing but endless white silence.

Telchur' clerics are brooding and withdrawn. They dislike noise and pleasantries, prefering to focus on the grim necessities of survival, even in times of prosperity. Telchur’s clerics were responsible for conducting funeral services. If a person or creature requests support at his moment of death, the request must be granted regardless of alignment or other considerations. Souls are guided to the next realm through chanting and prayers. The dying moment under the care of a cleric of Telchur is always painless and easy.