UROGALAN (He Who Must Be, the Black Hound, Lord of the Earth, the Protector), Demi Power, male, N(L)
Attributes: Earth, Death, Haflings
Domains: Death, Earth, Last Rites, Protection
Symbol: Black dogs head silhouette
Typical Worshippers: Haflings
Preferred Weapon:
Holy Days:

Urogalan (URR-roh-GAH-lan) is the protector of the dead and Power of the underground. His deathly aspect is as a protector of the souls of the dead and as an adviser-judge with Yondalla. His earthy aspect is one of reverence for the very earth itself and protection from threats beneath the surface, rather than concern with natural growth. Few halflings worship him, but he is respected and revered by most as a protector. Although the Small Folk generally do not fear death, most halflings shiver at the sight of the Black Hound's symbol. Urogalan is on good terms with the rest of the halfling pantheon, particularly Yondalla, Arvoreen, and Sheela, but he holds himself somewhat removed from their joyous embrace of life. The Black Hound is closely allied with those Powers of human and demihuman pantheons concerned with earth, death, and the protection of the dead, but he abhors those whose portfolios include necromancy and the undead.

Earth is the giver and the receiver of life, providing shelter, food, and wealth to those whose toes embrace it. The sacred soil is to be revered as the mantle of Those Who Have Been and the shelter of Those Who Will Be. The thanatopsis of He Who Must Be reveals that death is to be embraced as the natural end of life and in doing so gives honor to life.

Urogalan's clerics are responsible for presiding over the internment of the dead and for the caretaking of graves. They administer last rites, preside over burial rituals, and memorialize the fallen. They maintain much of the history of the Small Folk, keeping records of genealogies and deeds of those who have "gone to the fields of green." In halfling cultures where ancestor worship is practiced, the Black Hound's clergy safeguards the sacred tokens of the deceased used in rituals to contact them. Urogalan's clerics also have a role in consecrating the foundations or first diggings of buildings and new burrow complexes.